well theres this guy i love, when i told him i wanted to ask him out he sed he cant go out with anyone atm but when he sorts his life out he'll let me know cus he does like me like more than mates, but he hasnt mentioned anything ever since and that was weeks ago, and i just asked him if he likes any1 and he sed no
does he really like me like that?
or was he just saying it so i dont get hurt? :S
really confused please help
12 answers
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Family & Relationships
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Ive Loved This Guy For So Long And You Might Think "how can you love someone if you dont go out with em?" well you can!
weve got so much in common we talk all the time and i tell him everything
i asked him out a few weeks back and he sed he needed time to sort his life out but he'll let me know when he has cus he really like me like more than mates
but since then he hasnt mentioned anything :S and a asked him today if he liked any1 and he sed no :S
did he mean what he sed and is just too shy to admit it now or what?!
Really confused like!!
08:46:31 ·
update #1
Sorry ladies, I don't think a bloke would say that if he didn't feel something for her.
Maybe his life is in a bit of a mess at the moment and he has to deal with that.
Let him know you're there for him, let him know you care about him and if there is something there, then it will happen.
2007-02-20 08:42:56
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
How can you love a guy you have no relationship with???
Perhaps you are attracted to him.......
The fact that he is trying to get his life in order is a good thing. why are you pushing so hard.
Be patient , you don't want to seem pushy.
A couple weeks is not a very long time to get their life straightened around.. There could be many factors that he has to consider about himself that he needs to work on.
Appearances don't tell you everything about a person, there might be lots going on in his life right now.
you are being selfish, you want, you need, relax...a little.
The first thing to drive a guy away is a person who pushes too hard and is not respectful of his wishes and emotions at the present.
You should maybe take some time and sort out your need to have someone right now>>>>>I asked him out... what is he waiting for attitude.....
You are being very inconsiderate and need to do some growing up ...
Maybe he does like you, but keep this up and you will never find out......
2007-02-20 08:42:07
answer #2
answered by doclakewrite 7
Sorting someone's life out takes more than weeks (well depending on what it is).
If you really like him that much, wait for 2 more months at most. By then, even if he does have problems, you should be getting on wih your life. If he was not ready by then, then it may mean you 2 were not meant to be together.
Two months is also a very clear sign that he was being nice.
2007-02-20 08:39:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
you have to ask yourself if you really want to be with someone who has so many issues.....is it really worth it??
and if he really does have issues, it's not going to take a couple of weeks for him to get over them, are you willing to put your life on hold??
or is just a case of wanting what you cant have??
but then there is the chance that he just does not like you at all and was just trying to be kind and not hurt your feelings...
i would just ask him to be honest with you, if he really cares for you (even if it is only as mate) he will tell you the truth about wether or not he wants to be with you, but if he says he does you have to ask yourself the above questions!!
good luck, it's a tough one
2007-02-20 08:39:08
answer #4
answered by kit 3
I think you should just get on with your life, and I hope you haven't been holding your breath! If he wanted to go out with you he would have asked you by now - he's just trying to be kind. Lots more fish in the sea!
2007-02-20 08:36:22
answer #5
answered by mad 7
its hard to say maybe some one in his farmiley died or some thing he might be really hert from it or it might be a line so he woldnt hert u ask him again in a few mounths is.. like the only way to know =\ but if u get ur hopes up in a few mounths and he says no it would hert more so you have to chose what to do i cant 4 u sorry X|
2007-02-20 08:38:03
answer #6
answered by Justin L 2
i waited for someone like that before but it turned out they wouldn't go out with me coz they were going out with somebody else but i didnt find that out til a year and a half later. but hey if u thinkhe is worth it then go ahead knock urself out but beware that when he is ready for a relationship he might not want it with u just dont try to force him into anything let him have his timeand maybe he will eventually come to u
2007-02-20 08:40:40
answer #7
answered by Sexy English Blonde 2
is he gay? if he is he prob likes to have you as a best friend and have fun with you, honestly my daughter had the same thing happen to her, they still love each other as best friends and have both found love but that hasn't changed the way they are together, he came to my daughters wedding with his partner
2007-02-20 10:45:46
answer #8
answered by susan will of the wisp 4
how can you love him if you have never dated him? sorry but i think he was being kind. most guys don't want to date girl friends cos at the end they are left with nothing.
2007-02-20 08:35:11
answer #9
answered by magicalle 4
well he could have been nasty to you but he didnt , and he needs to sort his life out, understandably, so let him, you could just say hello , people do need time, just wait and see what happens,
2007-02-20 08:36:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous