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I hate myself because I don't have any friends but I'm not happy alone. I'm soo bored with everything and I just want to know what it feels like to be one of the normal people. I can't figure out what is wrong with me (I'm not bad looking if that matters) but it must be something pretty serious. I just want to go hang out with people like other people do! I play music but I barely practise anymore because what's the point if I have no one to play with! What is if like to just go watch movies or go to the mall with a group of people? I've done everything there is to try, including not doing anything! I hate being alone. I must be the only person who dreads weekends, in high school I couldn't wait for class to start because watching other people in the hall who have friends sucked more than classes! I've barely done anything exciting in my life because there is nothing fun that's worth doing alone!

I've tried everything there is, including not doing anything. Counseling didn't help.

2007-02-20 07:44:25 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

1 answers

You need to be an active participant in life. You say you've tried things and it hasn't worked. Well try something else. You like music, so go to the local book store and see if they have a group that gets together and talks about different types of music (they have reading groups that do, so maybe this is something they do also). You need to get out and do things, activities don't come to your door knocking. Join a church, join the local volleyball club, join a bowling league. That's how people meet people. Take a walk in the park in the spring and summer and strike up a conversation with someone walking their dog. It doesn't have to be a female. Choose something you like to do and look in the phone book and see what related things there are that you could try. Also, it sounds to me as if you are depressed. That is a disability that is very treatable and nothing to be ashamed about. Talk to your family doctor, there are lots of new medications that work well and no one needs to know but you and your doctor. Good luck and God Bless.

2007-02-20 08:00:41 · answer #1 · answered by tersey562 6 · 0 0

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