Snap traps are pretty good, but try a glue trap. the wide, really sticky kind. You can put a dab of peanut butter in the middle. they really work
2007-02-20 05:44:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
yes they are very clever, if only they had no tail there so cute, But they they cause a lot of damage , I think the mice and rat´s became fed up eating the peanut butter and chocolate every body seem´s to think it work´s. A few yrs ago we had a problem them with the little devil´s until we took this very good advice from someone, First thing if you can is buy some Spanish Chorizo ( sausage) and use this for bate , they just can´t pass this by without having a nibble, it worked for us , also try not to invite them for lunch every day , mice only live where there is a fresh supply of food , so before going to bed at night make sure the kitchen floor is swept & washed , keep all food stuff´s in tight plastic container´s don´t leave any pet food left over´s if you have pet´s , empty the carbage bin every night all theses kind of thing´s Also mice or rats hate the smell of peppermint and mothball´s so you could try leaving some of these thing´s around,& one more thing it might pay you to buy a bigger size trap. hope this help´s a little , and maybe by the end of the week they will have there little suitcase´s packed
2007-02-20 05:59:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Usually, mouse doesn't live alone... they all look the same.
When you use the trap, you need to put on gloves, so no human smell is on the trap. Put the traps against the wall, if you have a door way it comes in, put a trap on the left and right.
Some mouse don't like peanut butter, but try some cheese related product... like cheesecake :) Just caught two in my house, third one is still running around....
2007-02-20 05:45:59
answer #3
answered by paobay 4
Try placing the peanut butter under the little square metal piece instead of the top of it.
This is what worked for me...... Usually caught the mice when they came out at night.... The same night I placed the trap.
2007-02-20 06:01:26
answer #4
answered by ASDZA’NI 5
maybe this mouse has an aversion to peanut butter--maybe it watched the new about the peanut butter scare a few days ago-lol.Try some d-con always works for me.
2007-02-20 05:49:39
answer #5
answered by luminous 7
I had a rat problem and the landlord told us that the best way to catch them is to put anchovies on the bait. The smell of the anchovies are really strong and they can smell it much better than even cheese. You can even use dried anchovies. It worked like a charm .
2007-02-20 05:43:49
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
In all seriousness a cat is probably your best bet. They love to hunt, when it finds out a mouse is there, it will take care of it.
2007-02-20 05:43:45
answer #7
answered by codenamex_47 3
Give it a few more days
She will go for the peanut butter
2007-02-20 05:43:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
change the peanut butter to cheese on bread that works for me
2007-02-20 05:47:49
answer #9
answered by Janice M 2
Yea I had the same problem at my should get some d-con--you can get it from any grocery store...that'll definitely take care of it.
2007-02-20 05:48:43
answer #10
answered by ayla s 1