Terrorism comes from many faces. The IRA, home based terrorist,mid-east. There are many different reason for every group to practice terrorism and they all think they are right and have gods permission to do what they do. Global warmming is cause by many things this country seems to do more than others but non can get out of what they caused. If you are not happy with things get out and do something. Yes I post here a lot but I also get out and do something. I write letters vote, go to and start protests. I do things to make changes. I guess it is the old hippie in me. What do you do do you throw money at something or do you put yourself in the middle of things. I have been hurt,put in the hospital, arrested for my believes. I have been in a leaking boat in shark infested waters to stop whaling, stood and look down a barrel of a gun to stop the killing of baby seals, sit in front of bull dozers to stop the bring down of a forest. When you put yourself in harms way to fight for what you believe in then come back and talk.
2007-02-20 12:05:06
answer #1
answered by raven blackwing 6
I don't think anyone can have an answer to either question. Define terrorism? I bet many in the world would say the US, but I would disagree completely. The same with global warming. It could be China, Mexico or the US but wouldn't one consider not just current but contributions to the GW crisis from the past?
2007-02-20 14:01:04
answer #2
answered by kenny J 6
Iran is the financial backer of most of the terrorism in the world. As for Global Warming, or bettter put Global Climate Change, it is caused by the sun not by people. So no country is responsible.
2007-02-20 13:34:28
answer #3
answered by The Man from Nowhere 3
They all are. They all contain people and people are the cause of global warming and terrorism. Down with people! Wipe them out!
2007-02-20 13:36:46
answer #4
answered by namsaev 6
Global Warming: China
Terrorism: No one country, but as a group I'd say Al Queda.
2007-02-20 13:34:37
answer #5
answered by Mr. Info 3
The satanic muslims are responsible for terrorism. The muslim agenda is to destroy Israel, the Jewish people, the UK, the USA and all Christians.
2007-02-20 13:37:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Terrorism is a real threat.
Global warming is not.
2007-02-20 13:35:44
answer #7
answered by cornbread 4
All of the oil producing nations, ultimately.
2007-02-20 13:37:33
answer #8
answered by Doug 3