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I bought a '94 Nissan Altima a few months back. The cruise does not work. The light comes on when I press the switch, but it does not engage when I use the steering wheel mounted buttons. Also, the power antenna does not work. The car has a cheap aftermarket stereo that was put in but not connected when I bought it. I had it connected and the antenna cable is hooked up, but the power anteanna will not go up. I'm wondering if possible these are wired through the stereo setup. Any ideas?

2007-02-20 05:21:50 · 2 answers · asked by Johnny G 2 in Cars & Transportation Maintenance & Repairs

2 answers

Vehicles these days are all electrical in nature. Unfortunately when one thing goes wrong there is often a domino effect. Best get your car looked at by a competent mechanic that won't take all of your money. It will save you bundles in the long run!

2007-02-20 05:33:52 · answer #1 · answered by Lyndee 4 · 0 0

I would recheck all connections and run continuity checks on these
circuits. This will determine if you have a complete circuit. In most cases you will find that it is not grounded.

2007-02-20 05:29:14 · answer #2 · answered by dVille 4 · 0 0

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