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A customer brings a lawn mower into your shop to be repaired. The mower contains a four-stroke,
single-cylinder, 12 hp Kohler engine. The customer complains that the engine won’t start and that the
starter cord seems to be “stuck.” He then explains that this problem occurred after running the mower
in a field of very high grass. You immediately notice that the exterior of the mower is very dirty and
covered with grass clippings. When you attempt to pull the starter cord, you find that it won’t move
and that the crankshaft won’t turn at all. Upon removing the blower housing from the top of the engine,
you find that the cylinder head fins are dirty and completely clogged with grass clippings. Based
on these observations of the engine, which of the following would be the probable diagnosis of the
“no-start” problem?
A. The spark plug isn’t firing properly and is preventing the engine from starting. The spark plug
should therefore be replaced with a new one.
B. The electronic ignition module failed, and the resulting short circuit caused the crankshaft to stop
C. The engine isn’t getting the proper lubrication. The fuel-and-oil mixture ratio should be checked,
and more oil should be added to the mixture.
D. The engine overheated because air couldn’t pass over the clogged cooling fins. The excessive
heat caused the piston and crankshaft to seize, preventing the crankshaft from turning.

2007-02-20 05:14:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cars & Transportation Maintenance & Repairs

7 answers

D....but I'd have a look underneath to make sure nothing is binding the blade! if it's free of debris then pull the spark plug....if you can't pull start it or turn the blade with the plug out it's seized!

2007-02-20 05:20:52 · answer #1 · answered by Robert P 6 · 0 0

And I'll take D for the win Bob

2016-04-05 02:48:54 · answer #2 · answered by John 1 · 0 0

well fisrt thing i look to see if it had oil, an by the motor stuck, i look to see if a rod ,came out,are pull a loose, then look at the blad,e is it free,

2007-02-20 05:21:13 · answer #3 · answered by ghostwalker077 6 · 0 0

(D) It sounds like he burned it up to me. Rebuild or replacement time.

2007-02-20 05:19:43 · answer #4 · answered by golden rider 6 · 0 0

I'll take ( D )
The engine is now FUBAR

2007-02-20 05:21:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm going with "D". What do I win?

2007-02-20 05:29:36 · answer #6 · answered by Robert D 2 · 0 0


2007-02-20 05:46:45 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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