13 answers
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Politics & Government
➔ Politics
TO STEEL: Yeah, I was waiting for that one. Sorry, "life" is "life" you don't get to qualify. You aren't God. And it's NOT a "child" it's a FETUS. Geez. You guys.
04:56:04 ·
update #1
OK, everyone, listen up.
If you don't have any real answers to the question, don't waste my time.
04:56:53 ·
update #2
GOOD MORNING! O.K., in case you haven't figured it out by now, it was a rhetorical question, really, since I knew perfectly well what each and every one of you righties were going to say.
It's called "Justification" or "Rationalization" take your pick. And of course, the reality is that you cannot say you're "PRO-LIFE" while at the same time humming a nice little tune while innocent people are slaughtered in Iraq who never, ever did a thing to any American, or while you say the DEATH sentence is hunkey-dorey.
You just can't.
Now.........what you CAN do is say you're "ANTI-ABORTION" which is what I will expect to hear from you in the future.
NONE of you is "pro-life" you're just ANTI-whatever it is that YOU believe in.
Thanks for playing.
00:06:44 ·
update #3
You can't. it's hypocritical unless you are an arrogant self righteous conservative who believes when they label someone innocent or evil or a murderer that its a metaphysical fact. they judge as if they are god so its ok to kill someone as long as som e conservative has decided they are guilty or evil.Conservative religous right wingers never conceive that their judgement might be wrong.they believe if you say god is on your side and your the good guys it makes it so. NOT!!
2007-02-20 05:03:14
answer #1
answered by doc_of_three 2
That can be turned around, too. How can you be antiwar/anti-death penalty and also be pro-choice?
The fact is that these three things are different. Life may be life, but situations differ. Neither war nor the death penalty involve a party whose body is intimately involved in the decision. Surely, very few people approve of murder, but the fact is that over 75% of the US population thinks that there are situations where abortion should be permitted – this shows that the vast majority of people do not equate abortion with murder. Yet, very few really like the fact that there are millions of abortions. Something is very wrong.
The death penalty is made complex because even if somebody feels that vengeance is warranted to punish someone for a heinous act, the fact is that a very large number of mistakes are made in putting people on death row. And less than half of 1% of murderers are executed, showing that some strange formulae are used for picking and choose and these methods have been shown to be very biased.
War is, well, hell. I won’t go into that here.
2007-02-20 07:33:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Sorry, I haven't time to read your whole spiel. But indeed some (note 'some') women given the legal right to make the choice will indeed choose to to have an abortion and thus cause the death of a foetus, if the pregnancy or the idea of having to bring up a child is unwelcome to them. On the other hand the 'pro-lifers' force girls who have been raped to carry the resulting baby. Both situations are unwelcome and only your personal ethics can resolve your personal position.
2016-05-23 22:56:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
For the record, I'm not Pro-Death Sentence. I am Pro-Life and Pro-Iraq War however, so I hope this helps you.
1.) Nobody LIKES war, just like nobody LIKES surgery. I am Pro-Iraq war, but I don't 'enjoy' war at all. In my opinion however, war is a neccissary (trust me, I wish it weren't this way, but it is) tool in spreading peace. Sounds weird? I bet. However, just look at the Civil War or World War II. Is it an insane arguement to suggest that war and killing can spread peace? Maybe, but it's a VERY valid one as well.
It's really about the perspective you view a war. If you only see death and killing, of course you won't like it. However, I see the war as protecting and saving the Iraqi people. I have a relative overseas defending us right now. I want him to succeed.
Contrary to a lot of things said about this war, there IS good happening. You may not hear it from anti-war protesters, you may not see it on the news, but there IS progress.
Is this was a disaster area? Absolutely. I'm not denying that. However, it can and (most importantly) SHOULD be turned around. To leave now would bring pain and suffering FAR WORSE than anything the Iraqis are experiencing at this very moment.
2.) I'm pro-life because I feel (in my humble opinion) that a baby should not pay in life because of the mistakes of its parents. I feel that (again, it's only my opinion) that Women who are pressured into the wrong choice and babies left with no choice at all are victoms of Pro-Choice America.
God Bless
2007-02-20 04:56:02
answer #4
answered by Mr. Info 3
The life of an innocent child cannot be compared to the life of a murderer or a soldier. Its pretty obvious and I am not pro-life.
Sorry but if you commit a capital crime against another person, that forfeits your right to life. War is an inevitable fact of life and is necessary for population control. Soldiers have joined their military with the certain knowledge that they may die. The fetus as you call it has not "signed up" with the knowledge they might die.
As I said before I am not pro-life, I believe that abortion in many cases is necessary but you invalidate your pro-choice argument by comparing a fetus to a murderer or a soldier. It makes you look ridiculous and makes your cause appear unjust.
Lets take God out of the argument. It is insane to assume a god created life for a man to abort it just as you say we are playing god by executing criminals. I don't believe in your god or their god, that never comes into my equation. A rabid dog must be put down before it harms anyone, what please tell me is the difference with a murderer or rapist? This is about what is best for society and criminals give up their right to be part of society once they commit a capital crime. The unborn child has just as much right to live as you, not the murderer. A soldier knows what he is getting into. People voluntarily jump out of airplanes knowing full well that they have a chance of dieing, it is their free will just as it is a soldiers to join the military.
So if they don't agree with you its not a valid answer. Every answer I read here, which is unusual, is a valid response. Fine example of the Liberal mindset, only your opinion can be valid.
2007-02-20 04:51:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Being "Pro-Life" is being morally responsible for an unborn child and not allowing them to be murdered because they are the result of promiscuous sex and a bother and burden to the mother who should have been responsible but was not. Being "Pro-War" is, even though you respect life, such as that of an unborn child, you realize that after diplomacy fails, which it WILL at some point under some circumstances, you have to defend yourself or be killed yourself. Its simple self defense, and there IS a difference. Being "Pro-Death Sentance" can be both good and bad. It sounds on its face like its hypocritical, but you have to define the differences. A criminal convicted in a court of law, and sentenced to death was not an innocent unwanted child to be torn out of its mothers womb and tossed away like a pice of garbage because its a burden to her. It is however similar to society protecting itself from the more dangerous and heineous criminals the same as a country has a right to protect itself from outsiders in war.
2007-02-20 05:00:30
answer #6
answered by Dave 5
Although I am pro-life and against capital punishment, I have many friends who are not. Theie reasoning is that convicted murderers exersized their free will when they elected to brutally kill someone, thus THEY placed themselves on Death Row, society did not. This is different from the case of an unborn baby, who is the epitome of innocent. Why should this person be deprived of life in the name of convenience?
2007-02-20 04:54:55
answer #7
answered by Rick N 5
I don't think anyone is pro-war.People realize that our troops are doing their job and that should not be political. The only reason I am kind of in favor of the death penalty is why should we spend thousands of dollars to keep someone alive in jail who killed people, when our public schools are failing and people are freezing to death because they can not afford to heat their house.
2007-02-20 05:39:44
answer #8
answered by applecrisp 6
I can see why someone can be "pro-life" and "pro-death" penality.
"pro-life" is against abortion, the "murder" of an innocent fetus.
"pro- death penality" is the murder of an unscrupulous "MURDERER" who most likely tortured one or more people, with no conscience, who most likely will never benefit society.
For those of you who don't, can't, or refuse to understand this;
It's not hard for me.
War is different. These people all deserve a medal. They are risking their lives for us and for the better of "their country".
I don't believe in the "draft", no one should be forced to go to war.
2007-02-20 04:57:30
answer #9
answered by pixles 3
There is just a slight difference between an innocent baby who hasn't had a chance to live life or contribute to anything opposed to a murderer or rapist.
Also, war was what ended Nazism, Communism, Slavery, etc... so is it really so bad to be "pro-war"?
2007-02-20 04:53:50
answer #10
answered by niker_bokers16 2