Conservatives are true Americans and liberals are communists.
2007-02-20 04:26:08
answer #1
answered by Yankee Dude 6
Who are Democrats/Liberals
Virtually every step forward in our history has been a liberal initiative taken over conservative opposition: civil rights, Social Security, Medicare, rural electrification, the establishment of a minimum wage, guaranteed bank deposits, the Federal Reserve, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, the National Park Service, the National School Lunch Program, the Voting Rights Act, collective bargaining, the Pure Food and Drug Act, and federal aid to education, including the land-grant colleges, to name just a few. Many of these innovations were eventually embraced by conservatives only after it became clear that they had overwhelming public approval for the simple reason that almost every American benefited from them. Every one of these liberal efforts strengthened our democracy and our quality of life. Democrats/liberals are the party of the people as its history attests.
Democrats/liberals exhort job training and retraining programs, both public and private, while Republicans/neocons cut funding. These are indispensable in an era when trade and technology bring rapid change to the job market, and these programs need constant retooling and reexamination.
Cutting education in the Information Age is like cutting defense at the height of the Cold War. The cold hard truth is that many students who are unable to go to college will end up on welfare, on the street, or in jail if they aren’t subsequently taught skills now in demand.
Democrats/liberals think low wages are a problem. Republicans/Neocons think low wages are a solution.
JFK said “If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.”
Some of the democrats’ achievements:
GI Bills
Earned Income Tax Credit
Peace Corps
Head Start
Human Genome Project
Clean Water Act
Medicaid Medicare
Brady Law
Ban on CFCs
Direct Student Loans
Social Security
Meals on Wheels
Who are Reps/Neocons?
Conservatives curse the middle and working poor class and refer to them as useless to the economy. It is the labor performed by poor as well as middle-class persons that makes possible this nation’s productivity and wealth, including job opportunities. Where would Wal Mart be without the middle and working poor class? Not on the Dow.
Republicans unclear philosophy claims the rich will work harder if given more breaks and the poor will work harder if given fewer breaks.
Republicans have and will continue to cut programs that help parents with children get food stamps, provide breakfasts and lunches for low-income schoolchildren, nutrition for poor pregnant women and infants and the Medicaid program which offers healthcare for millions of ill and disabled children. They want to eradicate proven programs like the Family Leave Act, Head Start, childcare, earned-income tax credits and affordable housing for low-paid workers.
2007-02-20 04:40:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The difference between liberals and conservatives are their point of views. One can be a conservative democrat and a liberal republican. Those are the ones that stand closer on the line to the other party.
2007-02-20 04:28:21
answer #3
answered by wondermom 6
Liberals: Social Programs. Higher Taxes, etc;
Conservatives: Less Government, Lower Taxes, etc;
2007-02-20 04:41:16
answer #4
answered by Goggles 7
Liberals lean far left on the Democratic side. Conservatives can lean towards the Democrats or Republicans, depending on the circumstances and positions of the parties. Democrats want more government to be involved in our everyday lives, therefore increasing taxes to support this cause. Republicans want less government interferance in their everyday lives, therefore decreasing taxes to support this cause. These are the main differences.
2007-02-20 04:29:26
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Conservatives believe interior the strengths of persons, no longer feeding the weaknesses. Conservatives believe in classic relatives values. Conservatives have morals, and a feeling of consumer-friendly decency. tremendous question, famous individual time!
2016-12-18 07:14:12
answer #6
answered by ? 3
Liberal used to mean you wanted the government to take a more active role in everdylife. Conservative used to mean you wanted people to be in charge of as much as possible, with a minimal government interference.
Now Liberal means anti sending soldiers around the world, pro-choice, pro gay marriage, and they are focused on healthcare, and global warming. Conservative means pro sending soldiers around the world, pro-life, anti gay marriage, and they are focused on anti gay marriage.
2007-02-20 04:31:29
answer #7
answered by Tim 6
It's all semantics, the difference betweent the two parties. They desire the same outcome (power) and have different routes to get there.
2007-02-20 04:26:35
answer #8
answered by FaerieWhings 7
The difference between the "liberals" and "consertives" is that "liberals" can be found on a dictionary and consertives can not!
2007-02-20 04:27:18
answer #9
answered by filip 4
Yankee Dude is wrong.
Conservatives hold unpatriotic personal hatreds.And jsutify them with politics,
If it were not for the Liberals we'ed still be in Dark Ages burning heretics by candlelight.
2007-02-20 04:30:08
answer #10
answered by Cut The Crap 2
Oh,I see,just a great big insult. Well,then why'd you ask,commie?
2007-02-20 04:30:06
answer #11
answered by Let 'em Eat Cankles 2