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President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says that he (his country) is willing to negotiate the nuclear program if the US stops its nuclear program. Everyone seems to agree that this is just another one of Iran's little games. If we disarm we will be vulnerable but if we do not we are at risk of being unfair and causing more political problems. Iran should not have nuclear weapons because it has stated it wants to wipe Israel of the map with nuclear weapons. So with every thing you know, what is the best thing for the US to do next?

2007-02-20 04:20:44 · 4 answers · asked by oreobabylove 3 in Politics & Government Politics

Wow. I know there are strong feelings about this issue and I thank you all for contributing ideas. But the Question is What is the nest political step our government should take. We Have no proof of nuclear weapons but we want to make sure Iran does not have the opertunity to get them. We also dont want to seem unfair by not letting the have thier nuclear energy needs met. How should we handel this politicaly.

2007-02-20 04:36:50 · update #1

4 answers


2007-02-20 04:24:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He has said he wants to put a nuke in the hands of every Muslim country or in other words, in the hands of every terrorist he can. It needs to be dealt with with force cause he's a terrorist and it's the only thing he understands.

2007-02-20 12:35:13 · answer #2 · answered by Kevin A 6 · 0 1

If you really want to know...........take guts to face the truth though.


2007-02-20 12:27:43 · answer #3 · answered by aiminhigh24u2 6 · 0 0

let them blow up israel after all that is why there are all these problems in the world...WE NEED TO STOP STICKING OUR NOSE WHERE IT DONT BELONG!!!!!!!So what if they have nucular capabilities we should just be prepared to defend against it.We wouldnt have anything to worry about if we mind our own business.

2007-02-20 12:25:56 · answer #4 · answered by kevin m 4 · 1 2

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