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2007-02-20 03:38:14 · 7 answers · asked by walter_nahbexie 2 in Business & Finance Investing

Real good advice so far Thanks

2007-02-20 03:55:48 · update #1

7 answers

Make friends with every one you meet if you be kind to others and treat every one you meet with respect you will benifit from it.For example I wanted to get on a pier the security guard said it was full and we would have to wait. but that would have taken all day so I started talking to him and 10 minutes later he said if you and your friends want to go I ll let you in. I said thanks and told him to have a great day.

2007-02-20 11:55:28 · answer #1 · answered by franksprung 3 · 0 1

Pretty simple but hard to do.

use cash, not credit cards,

only borrow for major items like a car or house, and when you do borrow, stop all unnecessary spending and put all your money on your loan until it is paid off.

I have done this all my life, I live in a $650,000 house, I have over $800,000 in investments, I do have a 19 year old vehicle but it is low milage and works great, so why replace it.

you asked, I told you.

2007-02-20 11:47:46 · answer #2 · answered by bob shark 7 · 1 2

Firstly, and most importantly, be born to wealthy parents. Then just spend the rest of your life engaging in good, old-fashioned class warfare.

2007-02-20 12:13:36 · answer #3 · answered by AZ123 4 · 1 1

In Investing,Buy low-sell high!
In life,Give more than you are willing to take!
Unless your at work, Reveal less than you actually know!
Keep a long term savings!

The Answers don't always come to you when you need them-but they will come!

2007-02-20 15:06:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Hard work. Good ethical values. After that, everything else just pretty much falls into place.

2007-02-20 11:43:42 · answer #5 · answered by Faye H 6 · 0 1

Work with good work ethics, never steal, work work work, and be honest.

2007-02-20 11:42:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Hard work, network and don't burn bridges!

2007-02-20 11:46:21 · answer #7 · answered by CEESONE 4 · 0 1

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