Not wrong, Royal families have done it before, Einstein and Darwin fell in love with their cousins and had very intelligent children. The problem is society. People just don't accept this type of relationship even if they are better and more committed than out of family relationships.
If the problem is with future kids....there is a place where they can go and have genetic counseling and there is always adoption.
So, if they truly love each other, why not support them? Love just happens.
2007-02-21 01:20:32
answer #1
answered by Sabrina H 2
I could have supported your love if your cousin still loves you and never left you. Because more than love nothing is greater in tis world. but she has left you so better leave her. Start loving the girl who loves you and also its an legal relationship noone will be their to question you in this case and you can live free of life. Love the person who loves because they can only show more love than anyone in this world.
2016-05-23 22:44:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
In some parts of the world it is common - Italians for example. But here in North America it is considered taboo - at least first cousins anyway.
2007-02-20 03:44:58
answer #3
answered by northernguy40s 1
well i woild have to say its wrong to fall in love with your cousin thats family, family dont fall in love with family, when you go out into the world you go and you find someone that fits you that you feel comfortable with. falling in love with your cousin is like fallijng in love with your mom or dad or grandparents its just wrong, tell your friend to find there self
2007-02-20 03:46:52
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If you dont love your cousin anyway, why are you asking? And, it is a stupid thing to ask. If you dont know that that is wrong, you may have problems. Although ... that is how evolution occurred ...
2007-02-20 03:45:16
answer #5
answered by Becker 1
Nope its is family No matter what!!
Its also GROSS!
2007-02-20 03:48:18
answer #6
answered by lisa baby... 5
i just threw up in my mouth
2007-02-20 03:56:53
answer #7
answered by just wondering 2
no wrong
2007-02-20 03:42:11
answer #8
answered by amberharris20022000 7