You mean trick her into thinking that she was right to spy, or to trick her in order for you to get away and misbehave?
I know my wife always goes through my emails, hoping to find something...she hounds me on emails I wrote before I met her talking about girls and hotties, etc... So I decided to save a current draft with the subject, 'Hi Sexy, can't wait to see you..." So when she opened the draft thinking that she might have found some dirt on me it was written something like "Hello Wifey, naughty naughty for going through my emails! Tsk Tsk! Don't worry, you are the Sexy I was referring to." She was embarassed to tell me she saw it...but brought it up much later on ;)
2007-02-20 03:10:44
answer #1
answered by gnomus12 6
1. When you know she is following you, go wherever you said you were going. After she verifies your there and leaves, go wherever you were going to go.
2. Have a clone of yourself made like in the movie Multiplicity, and you won't have any problems.
3. Buy a GoPhone with "pay as you go" option, and no contract. Call lover on this--wife never has to know you have extra phone.
4. Or, use actual GoPhone cell # as a "new extension" at work all of a sudden. When you say your working over, your wife can call you--and get you. But, you won't be at work.
5. Never let on the actual amount of any "newly awarded" vacation hours. Those are yours! If your company allows use in 2 or 4 hrs increments--use in middle of work day. Stolen moments for lover!
2007-02-20 03:16:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Have you given her reason to be spying? Don't trick her just talk to her because the trick could back fire and fall back on you. Good luck.
2007-02-20 03:05:47
answer #3
answered by mellow 2
Try to trick her to trust yo nasty azz. I said the same thing until I came to reality that I was the one messing up. She threaten to leave my azz so i found out she was not spying that in fact I was not doing right. So now she doesn't spy anymore.........
2007-02-20 03:14:43
answer #4
answered by McDaniel 4
I made a fake Yahoo email, then sent myself lots of letters and pics, after she proved she was spying, I showed her I was doing it, told her how childish she was, and asked her to be honest and asked WHY she was worried? When you said she just was, I told her no more, or I would GIVE her a reason. Worked.
2007-02-20 03:10:36
answer #5
answered by Common Sense 5
I guess she has reason to be spying if you need help "tricking" her, so why not be true or let the woman go!
2007-02-20 03:05:11
answer #6
answered by kmv 5
Leave her something that would incriminate you like an email that you've written to yourself from another account. Pose as a girl and say some really horrible things. Then at the bottom of the email reveal to her that it's really you and you've busted her checking your email!
2007-02-20 03:09:36
answer #7
answered by Phaylynn 5
Stop doing things that make her want to spy on you.
2007-02-20 03:04:22
answer #8
answered by Urchin 6
Anything that you do concerning a woman will always backfire on you. It doesn't matter if you are totally right and she is completely wrong, she'll make you pay for it. So you're better off not doing anything and just getting a divorce.
2007-02-20 03:05:50
answer #9
answered by marklemoore 6
Write a phone number on a small piece of paper (no name), put it in a pair of pants you usually ware, make sure it's a guy friends number, let your friend know and wait to see if she finds and calls the number. GL =)
2007-02-20 03:28:31
answer #10
answered by Gabriele 6