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My ex and i have a joint mortgage i want to move out with my son and get a place of our own so he is going to buy me out but wants me to wait another six months to get himself a job and sorted out i really dont want to do this as ive waited a year and half already, i feel he tries to control me sometimes by telling me what i can and cant do even though he moved out into his new g/f, and i want my own place so he cant tell me wot to do anymore. ive refused to wait six more months what kind of lawyer would i need to see a property or family one so i can get my share of the money to get a new place.

2007-02-20 03:01:04 · 14 answers · asked by ELAINE B 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

14 answers

any lawyer should be able to give you advice on this issue, i believe its fairly common

2007-02-20 03:04:22 · answer #1 · answered by bargoed2004 2 · 0 0

You need to see a divorse lawyer and get a woman. A woman understand the needs you have, you don't have to wait it will take at least 6 months or less to get all the paperwork started. You will have to submit all your taxes, income, children, expenses you have every month and be very detailed. You need lists of your monthly needs, and by detailed I mean, food, shelter, pads & pugs, and toothpaste and clothes and everything you can think of because the more detailed you are the better because it all adds up and this all takes time. See a woman divorse lawyer as soon as you can and don't tell your husband right now, ask the lawyer what, where and when to do this. You don't have to tell him that you started the paper process, this will discourage him from getting a job and you don't want to do that. I hope this helped, take care Heather

2007-02-20 03:09:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is a large misconception that the victim of a crime can bring about the prosecution. That is wrong, a regular lawyer does not have the authority to bring a criminal charge against someone. The people who do this are called "District Attorneys", "Attorney Generals" or "United States Attorneys" Generally they will be employed by the city, state, county or the United States as a whole. If you are the victim of a crime you should go to the detective divisions of the police department. They are the first steps, they would need to investigate the crime and if need be make an arrest. Good luck.

2016-05-23 22:37:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ok, well assuming you and your 'ex' aren't divorced or neither party has filed a petition for divorce yet, then you will need to have an agreement for equitable distribution as part of the divorce settlment, in this case you need a Family lawyer to handle the case.
People will try to control you as long as you allow them to. You have decided to make a clean start. Then do it, don't look back and keep in mind as hard as it is to resist, not to allow that which you cannot control to control you.(i.e. your ex's thoughts,actions or lack there of) You and your son will be well on your way to a happier life. God Bless and best wishes.

2007-02-20 03:28:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're better with a family lawyer dealing with divorce and separation as this sort of situation is very common. Most UK solicitors will offer a free 30 minute session to give you the basic facts and their advise. Good luck!

2007-02-20 03:08:12 · answer #5 · answered by Starman 3 · 0 0

you need a divorce lawyer/family law, and they don't come cheap, neither of you can sell the house without the other one signing and don't be bought out until you have had it valued, and any profit must be divided by two, are you sure that with your bit you will have enough for a deposit? get to a lawyer the first appointment is usually free.

2007-02-20 03:25:14 · answer #6 · answered by manx girl Isle of Man. 3 · 0 0

Go to a solicitor that has a large practice (more than one working in the offices). This way you will get the right man/woman. They seem to specialise in certain fields and at least, if the one you speak to doesn't know the answers, he can ask his colleagues.

Good luck with your future.

2007-02-20 05:26:08 · answer #7 · answered by Curious39 6 · 0 0

you would need to go and see a family lawyer about a legal seperation. I would do it the way you have talked about my ex was controlling like yours and talked me out of going to a solicitor but i wished i had now.

2007-02-20 03:10:12 · answer #8 · answered by Alik411 3 · 0 0

any lawyer will do .and before you move out go and see one .don't wait for him to get sorted think about yourself and your son..start off as you mean togo on take control of your future...good luck..

2007-02-20 03:08:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Go and speak to a solicitor they will help you get this sorted out asap.

2007-02-20 03:08:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi,go to your local solicators they will make an appointment with the best solicator to deal with your case.Good Luck

2007-02-20 03:06:00 · answer #11 · answered by Ollie 7 · 1 0

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