She prevented communications between myself and the children which is one of the problems we had. When they are with me I always make their mother available to speak to. She did not allow that as well as other things as well which the court ruled in my favor. She never went to co parenting classes as directed by the court which is one of the reasons she lost the court battle. I have been to numerous counselors who altough have never met her tell me she has a definite personality disorder. They have spoken to her on the phone before. I feel a lot of compassion for my ex because of her problems. Many times I wish that she did not have this problem so we could still be married, I know I can not change her behavior and that only she can. My compassion makes it difficult to move on because I know some of the things she does she can not change without help. How can I just put her in the past and move on with my life?
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