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I was recently watching VH1 Celeb Couples or something along those lines, and it was basically a whole show on cute celeb couples. I agreed with most of the list, until they got to Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. I mean is ANYONE else in the world not able to get over the fact that Brad Pitt cheated on his wife to be with her. Since when is cheating on your wife & getting another chick (who is still not your wife) knocked up cute? Did I not get the memo or something?

The show also highlighted all the good things that the couple does for charities, and that Angie is a US Goodwill Ambassador....but I find it so odd that a GOODWILL Ambassador is also the biggest homewrecker alive. I know many people's lives who are ruined by this type of thing every day, and I don't understand for the life of me why their relationship is glorified the way it is...it's a really tragic senario.

After the big celeb baby boom, is adultery going to be Hollywood's next biggest "trend"?

2007-02-20 02:02:31 · 6 answers · asked by roxursoxoff05 2 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

6 answers

I agree with you 100%!
I can't stand them and never really liked him b4 anyway. I don't like homwreckers and cheating bastards especially since I know how it feels to be the Jennifer Anniston role in it.
Somebody should something about it and not glorify that garbage. You go girl!

2007-02-20 02:16:45 · answer #1 · answered by ♦ Phoenix Rising♦ 6 · 0 0

I can't get over Angelina's Billy Bob tattoo OR the fact that those 2 used to wear vials of each other's blood around their necks. Ugh! Puh-leeze.

I don't like Brad & Angelina as a couple, they seem phony to me. Cheating is wrong... and I'm sure at some point, they'll cheat on each other & split up.

Karma, baby!

2007-02-20 03:27:44 · answer #2 · answered by Sweet Melissa 4 · 0 0

Amen! I never liked either of them to begin with, but I agree with the one who said that she knows how it feels to be the Jenifer Anniston role. My ex cheated on me while we were married, then married the woman he cheated with.. I didn't hate her for what he did. He's now doing the same thing to her.

The Jenifer Anniston's of the world need to get together and kick the Angelina Jolie's of the worlds asses one good time, and the **** like that would stop.

2007-02-20 02:22:10 · answer #3 · answered by tinkerbell24 4 · 0 0

I agree, it's disgraceful. The funny thing is that she is now married to an adulterer. Congrats on that Angelina!

2007-02-20 02:25:47 · answer #4 · answered by zoogrl2001 3 · 0 0

I really don't have anything bad to say about it, because i so hate Jennifer Aniston

2007-02-20 02:57:46 · answer #5 · answered by Dane Cruz 5 · 0 0

no one watches vh1 any more.

2007-02-20 02:09:40 · answer #6 · answered by Yusaski Omhia 1 · 0 3

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