I was recently watching VH1 Celeb Couples or something along those lines, and it was basically a whole show on cute celeb couples. I agreed with most of the list, until they got to Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. I mean is ANYONE else in the world not able to get over the fact that Brad Pitt cheated on his wife to be with her. Since when is cheating on your wife & getting another chick (who is still not your wife) knocked up cute? Did I not get the memo or something?
The show also highlighted all the good things that the couple does for charities, and that Angie is a US Goodwill Ambassador....but I find it so odd that a GOODWILL Ambassador is also the biggest homewrecker alive. I know many people's lives who are ruined by this type of thing every day, and I don't understand for the life of me why their relationship is glorified the way it is...it's a really tragic senario.
After the big celeb baby boom, is adultery going to be Hollywood's next biggest "trend"?
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