The primordial atmosphere of the earth did contain oxygen, just no where near the amount it contains today. The primordial atmosphere consisted of mostly Hydrogen and Helium which were eventually lost into space. There was no atmosphere to hold the lighter elements. As the second atmosphere began to coalesce through out-gassing of volcanoes, the main constituents became Water Vapor and Carbon Dioxide. Smaller amounts of Nitrogen and Sulfates are thought to have been included in this out-gassing along with trace amounts of Oxygen. Carbon Dioxide eventually turned into carbonate rocks via precipitation. As plant life began to utilize photosynthesis, Oxygen gas started to be generated. The more plants that came along, the more O2 there was.
Hope this helps.
2007-02-20 00:06:49
answer #1
answered by Johnny 3
Yes, and it did. Now it is supporting life with less O2. There must be a balance, which is why deforestation, and large human populations could eventually deplete the oxygen, and kill us. And with too much oxygen, the trees would die. One can not live without the other. It would be better to have more oxygen than we do now, but too much and the atmosphere would become very combustible.
2016-05-23 22:17:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The ancient atmosphere didn't contain oxygen because there were no plants to manufacture it.
2007-02-19 23:47:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
No plants to produce it. It wasn't until plant life evolved from the oceans to land that there was any oxygen being produced... at least a measurable amount that could sustain animal life.
2007-02-20 04:30:25
answer #4
answered by Ms. G... the O.G. 2
have to remember that O2 (oxygen ) was a waste product of plants... CO2 was if you will considered good air... and as time when on.. the plants damaged the very air they took in by being wasteful beings of the planet they controlled.. and changed the very atnosphere and they could not go back.. so much of them died off and the rest changed so they could stay alive in the new air..... ( hmmmm sounds like some left wing.. OMG GLOBAL WARMING ) nut job doesnt it...
plants my boy.. they exhail O2 ( oxygen ) and breathe CO2.. the more plants you have the better off you are... to a point
2007-02-20 01:15:08
answer #5
answered by Larry M 3