The discus is itself a unique and special fish. Bulldogs are a just color variation in them, with a horizontally compressed body that gives them their name, that are rare. Care should be taken like all other discus.
Origin : Amazon river basin
New Origin : 99% reared in captivity
Sexual Differences : Most apparent at breeding time
Temperature : 82 minimum. Warm up if they get sick.
Attitude : Shy at first. Not the best community fish.
Security : Likes bare tanks.
Foods : Frozen shrimps, worms, insects, tiny fish
pH : pH 7.5 okay. pH 6.5 for breeding
Nitrogenous Wastes : Needs zero ammonia and nitrates
Clean Water : Frequent large water changes (50%)
Disease Threat : Hexamita (hole-in-the-head disease), unlike other cichlids it causes the discus to die.
Egg incubation : Parents care for eggs
Brood Size : 100 to 400 eggs
Water : Yes, you can keep your discus healthy in our “moderately hard” (220 ppm) pH 7.5 Des Moines water. However, if you decide to breed them, you need to lower your hardness and pH level. Don’t do this unless absolutely necessary. Very soft water usually cannot maintain a stable pH.
Tank Mates : Okay, you just bought two $100 fishes and you want to mix in some cheapies to keep them company. Just add some feeder goldfish. Or maybe a carp out of the nearest river? Let’s get serious. Every fish you add is a potential disease carrier. At least quarantine your new additions before adding them to your tank of discus. Most algae eaters love to suck on the sides of discus. Livebearers also enjoy picking at the slime that covers discus adults. Cichlids usually harbor hexamita – a disease often fatal to discus. Your best mixers? Tetras or cory cats. Better yet, add some snails. Best of all, keep your discus by themselves.
Space : Just because you saw discus in a retailer’s 10-gallon tank does not mean discus enjoy that tank. Adults need more than 10 gallons each.
Groups : Get two only or get six or more. If you get three discus, they want to play odd man out. The shy guy gets picked on until he dies.
Breeding Comments : Fry eat the slime from parents’ bodies
pictures :
Clean water is essential to keeping discus. Change 50% weekly. You can add hornwort or another fast-growing plant to help keep your water clean.
2007-02-19 21:30:54
answer #1
answered by hhhhhhh 2
Bulldog Discus
2016-12-18 08:16:02
answer #2
answered by ? 4
For the best answers, search on this site
Bulldog is a term given to a strain of discus which have taller bodies & pushed back faces. They seem to be marketed in leopard patterns. They are not especially rare and are not esteemed by Discus fanciers around the world as the condition is considered a deformity. I do hope you haven't put this fish in the 22g tank with the guppies. Discus grow to larger than a CD and should be grown on in shoals as juveniles.
2016-04-08 12:03:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A dog should be trained on how to eat, walk with you, not to bark, potty training and sleep on its place etc. You can teach anything to your puppy, dogs get trained easily with some good instructions. If you want some good training tips visit
If properly trained, they should also understand whistle and gesture equivalents for all the relevant commands, e.g. short whistle or finger raised sit, long whistle or flat hand lay down, and so on.
It's important that they also get gestures and whistles as voice may not be sufficient over long distances and under certain circumstances.
2016-04-15 04:18:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There are a few real keys to dog training, whether you are trying to train your dog to come when called, sit, stop barking or any other behavior. Understanding their importance is critical to achieving rapid results that are long lasting and help develop the bond between you and your dog. Learn more
The first is simple; you must win your dogs mind. If you don’t achieve this first then you will be struggling the all the way. When I talk about winning your dogs mind what I really mean is that your dog looks to you for all the decisions. Before you do anything else watch one of the amazing video sites that show you the 5 Golden rules to establishing yourself as the pack leader. If you aren’t putting these in place then you are setting yourself up to fail. Just at the crucial point where you really want your dog to listen they will go and do their own thing. For sure your dog may play ball occasionally or even most of the time, you may even have a dog that is obedient 99% of the time, however if you want a dog who always listens to you and does as you ask then you need to win your dogs mind.
The second key to success is to motivate your dog. It is really important that you discover what it is that your dog enjoys both in terms of exercise and play but also in terms of a reward. If you can make the experience enjoyable then you will both achieve more and look forward to training.
Some dogs love to fetch, others love agility, and other dogs simply love obedience training, or swimming out into water and retrieve. At least to start with find out what your dogs love is and help them develop this, what I am saying is work with your dog. The other point to recognize is to make training enjoyable reward your dog.
2017-02-15 23:54:09
answer #5
answered by Jordan 4
Dog training techniques are as controversial as abortion, Palestine and Bill O'Reilly. But, which dog training techniques can you trust to get you out of the dog house? It will help if you think about dog training techniques as being in one of two categories: balanced and imbalanced.
The discussion about which dog training technique to use when training a dog is one that resembles a discussion between an Israeli and a Palestinian. Each one seems absolutely certain of their position and is more than ready to vilify those who don't share their views on dog training. But, if you look at dog training techniques and methods and evaluate their worth and effectiveness based on whether the approach is balanced, it's a lot easier to weed out the garbage.
For the most part, trainers and their methods fall into two main categories. Those who do not use a physical consequence as a deterrent and those who do. There are many variations in the methods used by different trainers however, almost all trainers fall into one category or the other. Some trainers use food as a reward and never allow the dog to experience a negative consequence for a poor choice. Other trainers afford the dog the opportunity to experience a consequence for making poor choices.
The Use Of Food:
Using food is great in the sense that you will probably have a very happy dog on your hands when he realizes that the training comes with an all-you-can-eat buffet. However, using food to train your dog has some pitfalls we think you should be aware of.
Food is great if you just want to impress your guests with a couple silly pet tricks but, in the real world, your dog will probably be much more interested in chasing the cat than hanging around to get your silly, dry biscuit. So, if you are using food as the primary or sole motivator, you're in for some disappointment when it comes time for your dog to perform in the real world.
Strictly Positive Reinforcement:
It is not difficult to find trainers who will tell you they use a kinder, gentler method than those used by consequence and reward trainers. They will tell you that your dog will be emotionally destroyed by the use of correction as a deterrent. Their goal is to sell you on their loving approach to dog training. They would have you believe that their method is much better than those old, barbaric correction methods.
If you try to train your dog with a method of training that is as imbalanced as this, you will be in for some serious disappointments. Sure, it sounds like a great idea; training your dog and never having to correct him for making a poor choice. Never having to do the very thing you like doing the least. However, no matter how distasteful the concept of physical consequence is to you, it is necessary if you want a really good dog. You cannot consistently praise a dog when he does something right and never give him a consequence for doing something wrong, and expect him to turn out balanced.
Consequence And Reward:
In some cases, dog training methods that involve physical consequence as a deterrent cause additional problems. Not by virtue of the fact that the dog received a physical consequence for his poor choice, but because the training was too harsh, improper, or the balance between consequence and reward was not achieved. A bad trainer can destroy any good training system. It is far from true that methods using consequence as a deterrent will result in a fearful dog. It all depends on the skill of the trainer, the manner in which the dog is corrected and the balance between consequence and reward.
Dog training techniques and methods that use a healthy balance between consequence and reward are without doubt, the most effective, healthy training techniques you can use. It is important to remember that consequence in NEVER connected to emotion while reward is always given with sincerity and love.
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2016-04-15 02:51:00
answer #6
answered by ? 4