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It took me about two weeks to Think Up the story, Edit it, And of couse Film it. I wondered what people would think about it, so here it is. Please give me your opinion. Thank you.

2007-02-19 16:33:45 · 1 answers · asked by Stewartfamily07 2 in Arts & Humanities Theater & Acting

1 answers

i really enjoyed it. it was thought provoking and realistic and the young guy acted stunned when you asked him how to use a razor. Like whatup with this dude he on something or is he just crazy? If you can't remember who you are or where you came from then you act like a homeless man and forage for what you can. this would make a good made for tv movie needs a good screen writer to add some flair here and there and maybe a love story to go along with the little girl ( the mama has to be there somewhere) a storm and boat accident in the beginning and happy ending. You got the rest figured out. for 5 min you did a really faniastic job without spending a fortune right?
!!2 thumbs up!!

2007-02-19 16:58:51 · answer #1 · answered by juniperjasmine 3 · 0 0

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