Bad cocaine, coupled with cheap beer binges and a few too many head injuries. It's funny when it's Homer Simpson, but troubling when it's our President....
2007-02-19 15:10:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
President Bush is not ignorant; However the people who continually support him without knowing the facts are ignorant.
Take a look at this site.
2007-02-19 16:12:31
answer #2
answered by wildman1332 1
stating that Bush is ignorant is like asking why Bush doesnt do 1/2 of the intelligent things and 1/2 of the wrong things...
have you ever wondered that maybe you think Bush is ignorant because maybe...
Bush knows what he's doing and you DONT!
Have you ever thought that MAYBE the President knows A LOT more then you, just sitting on your as* reading articles all day, when the President of the United States recieves intelligence briefings from dozens of world-wide intelligence agencies on a daily basis ?!?!?!
Guess who doesnt get these briefings unless requesting an interview with Representatives of the these private Intelligence Organizations..
Maybe he doesnt listen to you because you're WRONG and your accusations and theories are more unintelligent then Oil-For-Food program...
Yea Bush, why dont you do some stupid things along with some smart things.. gosh your so ignorant!
2007-02-19 16:05:47
answer #3
answered by Corey 4
Hes not ignorant..ignorant is someone who says things about something they have no idea about, like most of these republican supporters. They surely dont know just how bad there government representatives are, yet they defend them at all costs.
Thats ignorant.
What bush is doing is clever, calculating, and is basically cold blooded murder.
To lead our troops into a war by lying, saying follow me, then cutting them off in every aspect, rushing them into battle just to fill numbrs properly trained or not, without the needed equipment to do the job right, not allocating BUT CUTTING VA funding for troop rehabilitation, AND not even allocating enough money to make the shipment of Fallen Heros body as much a comforting process as one would think a true hero deserves.
No, this president isnt ignorant.
Ignorant is all the people that blindly support him IN SPITE OF WHAT HE CONTINUES TO DO.
these pople are either as greedy asthe republicans, or as stupid as republicans hope they are.
2007-02-19 15:33:46
answer #4
answered by writersbIock2006 5
The real President, a.k.a. Dick Cheney, is getting his policies from Haliburton. Then using a devise installed in Bush's custom cowboy boots allowing preprogrammed responses to questions regarding his administration's economic and foreign policy to be transmitted to the speech center of his brain. This is done in order to increase share holder value and cast a shadow over all evil doer's wherever they may be hiding.
This along with the belief that all children will become gay if we do not pass a constitutional amendment barring gay marriage. The possibility of this happening has resulted in a covert operation that uses FOX News to broadcast news about Anna Nicole, and Bald Britney in order to continue the dumbing of the American Public. This will keep the public from noticing what is going on in the Sudan, North Korea, Iran, and most of all Iraq. It also lets all the cuts in financial aid for college, healthcare, and the enviornment used to offsett he continued tax incentives (and payments) to Haliburtan for their efforts (fleecing) in rebuilding Iraq.
Either your with him or your Commie Arab Scum with a liberal agenda.
2007-02-19 16:37:15
answer #5
answered by DAVID B 1
The president is not ignorant. If he were, he wouldn't be so dangerous. His good-ole-boy Dukes-of-Hazzard way of speaking is cunningly designed to appeal to that segment of the electorate that brought him to power. Many people who have worked closely with him consistently report that he is totally lacking in curiosity, bit that isn't the same thing as "ignorant."
2007-02-19 15:22:08
answer #6
answered by J.B.M. 2
If you think Bush is ignorant you do so at your peril. Don't let that gosh and golly routine fool you. Bush and the people behind them are very clever, intelligent, and determined to carry out their agenda. It looks like ignorance because it makes so little sense on the surface. But, if you realize they have three objectives, one is the plunder of our national treasury,two is Hegemony in the Persian Gulf, and three is to increase the international gravy train for their corporate friends, what they are doing begins to come into focus.
First they want the Middle East unstable. Next is Iran.
Second they have plunged our country into debt with the money from that going straight into the pockets of their war making friends.
Third the war has allowed oil profits to exceed any time in history.
Fourth they continue to open the border with Mexico, all the while spouting how much it concerns them, so that their corporate friends can radically increase their profits by hiring illegal workers, driving down all wages for Americans as well. The lower the wages the higher the profits.
When you look at this from Bush's perspective, they are laughing all the way to the bank.
2007-02-19 15:09:01
answer #7
answered by michaelsan 6
I know that he really acts stupid sometimes, and I have, on occasion wondered how much of that is just an act. I know he is an evil puppet, and I know that the people behind him...his globalist, elite, puppet masters, are even more evil, and light years beyond stupid. Michaelsan is right, they are determined to forward their agenda, and their agenda is very beneficial to THEIR interests, but an unspeakable nightmare for the rest of us!!! These are evil, sadistic, greedy men, and they are like a cancer upon the whole human race!!!!!
2007-02-19 15:20:34
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
He isn't. If you are going to use english words, for heaven's sake learn the meaning. Ignorant means he does not know, or is not aware of something. That is not the case.
2007-02-19 15:12:54
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Bush is not ignorant, he is almost done reading "My Pet Goat."
2007-02-19 15:26:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Man is known by the enemies He Keeps.. You ignorant sheep following the lying nazzi socialists dragging your lazy pathetic soul to hell would think a successful self made millionaire is ignorant,, but just out of jelousy.
2007-02-19 15:17:42
answer #11
answered by mr.phattphatt 5