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I noticed a few women here say they want equal rights and still expect to be treated like a woman. I think it is only perfectly fair women get equal right but how can they expect to still be treated as women? Don't they know they were treated a special way because they did not have equal rights?

One common example would be women saying you should not hit them, you should run away or restrain them. Not very fair as if a guy was trying to beat me up I would not try to restrain him.(one of the reasons I wouldn't restrain her, I don't want her to call me sexist ;) and run away? well, obvious) Yet if a guy was attacking them those same women would not say ''restrain him'' or ''run away'' they would say use a weapon to protect yourself if you have to or even call for help, they would never say those things to a man.

That was one of the privileges women had for not having equal rights, yet they still want to hold on to those same priviliges when they want to be treated no different th

2007-02-19 12:25:58 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

than men.

This was just a common example.

2007-02-19 12:26:27 · update #1

Baba Yaga if you are going to answer please refrain from making stupid comments against me or the question. Open your mind, if you want to prove your intelligence, answer the question from an unbiased point of view or switch it around. A good answer will make you prove you have at least a gram of intelligence as opposed to when you make stupid comments.

2007-02-19 12:30:21 · update #2

Yes you are right no one should hit each other but it is what they are saying to do in case it happens that counts.

I also saw a guy ask: ''if a woman was beating me with a weapon can I hit her back?''
Some women answered:''no you should never hit a woman.''
Sounds kinda unfair to me don't you think?

2007-02-19 12:39:56 · update #3

Well looks like I should not have used this example. I'll use another one:

-Doors. They expect men to hold doors for them but don't do it themselves. If a woman holds the door for me, he next time I see her I will hold the door for her.

2007-02-19 12:58:37 · update #4

Ok so the ''still expect to be treated as a woman'' thing that I heard doesn't mean anything?

Yaga: women report more all the time is it any suprise?

Fable: My mind is more open than you think. Tell me where I was ignorant and supid and I'll think about it. And from the questions I saw asked by you, you aren't too smart either.

Generalization: a general statement, idea, or principle. Meaning in average, in general.

2007-02-20 08:35:52 · update #5

24 answers

i agree with what you are saying, with your example people always say that it is inapproprite to hit girls but f women want to be treated like men and men hit other men then men should be able to hit women, (only in self defense)

2007-02-19 12:32:01 · answer #1 · answered by katie 2 · 1 3

Don't really want to get too involved in this but... There is a definite pay gap for the same work. Just like tall people get paid more than short people on average. Also there is more constant sexualization of women which has to do with the idea of being feminine. Third, ever tried playing a contact sport as a girl? Despite the fact that there will be girls who are as strong as boys (not regularly mind you, women normally have low testosterone levels) girls have a very hard time getting involved in contact sports. Fourth, lets say you wanted to be in the military. You cannot join special ops, and you cannot have a frontline combat role.(despite the fact that women tend to have better stamina than men, if they are trained equally) Oh and the firm only needs to find some obscure random reason such as "we don't feel she's qualified" which (unless it is so obviously BS) will kill any court action. But, it is true that many women act like there is a lot of overt sexism when there isn't. There's still plenty of sexism in general on both sides and some is legitimate while some isn't. And maybe you should wear something that people would associate with a lesbian and try walking around. It's uncomfortable at best. Dangerous at worst. And it would be more dangerous for a guy who looks "obviously gay". If you have the time, go online and read the "intelligence report". It's a bit biased because it does have a goal (to remove all hate organizations such as the KKK etc) but it doesn't present false information at least.

2016-05-24 18:13:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think its a subjective fairness, not a blind fairness. It's the simple truth that in general women have certain differences from men and those have to be taken into account when deciding what is "fair". Because women are built differently they usually dont have as much physical strength and it would be in general the "right" thing to do not to hit someone who's weaker than you. and is it someone's right to be hit? or hit? thats not really the issue. voting, equal job opportunities, education, etc., things that every human being is entilted to, things that are actually important and what women strive for. If a woman still thinks that a man should always be the one buying her expensive things and that men shouldn't get maternity leave, things like this that are based on a a way of life where women didn't make as much money and stayed home with the kids then yeah, these things are privledges above what is actually fair and women should be thinking about the other side of it, but not things like hitting.

2007-02-19 13:14:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well you can judge me if you like and call my comments stupid if you want to. I hope i am wrong but you sound a bit angry at women for some reason. LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING I NEVER HIT A MAN UNLESS HE DESERVED IT BY HITTING ME FIRST BECAUSE I CAN BALL UP MY FIST JUST AS WELL AS HE CAN. I AM A LADY AND A FIGHTER WHEN I HAVE TO BE . I TRY TO TREAT A MAN WITH RESPECT AND AS MY EQUAL WHEN HE TREATS ME NICELY AND ACTS LIKE A GENTLEMAN and he deserves it otherwise if he wants to give me hell i will give it back. For some reason when a woman hits a man who has hit her he becomes a crybaby. So don't come on here being a judge of women until you exist in this world as a woman then you may have the right to judge us. As to how i answer a question it depends a great deal on how it is asked. Oh yes and another thing i open doors for men some times just to see their expression and most say thank you just like i do when they open the door for me. I think the majority of men try to be nice and I sure don't want the real men to disappear or anything like that. You will never rule over us as though we are nothing so go live in dream land. Was your mother a woman or did you come from somewhere else. I enjoyed the company this afternoon of a gentleman.

2007-02-19 12:49:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

There's no honor in beating someone up who is smaller and weaker than you. Of course, there are exceptions, but the average man is bigger and stronger than the average woman. So I wouldn't say that's a very good example.

If you wish to talk about having doors held open or the check picked up for you at dinner, that's a different story. But even then, you are talking about social niceties that could be considered simple courtesy without the gender issue involved.

Now, when a woman applies to join the fire department and she demands they lower the strength requirements because she's a woman and weaker, then that's a problem. At that point, the women's rights argument becomes about inequality and double standards.

On the whole, I'd say the average woman on the street would favor equality (legally and financially) over niceties anyday.

2007-02-19 12:38:46 · answer #5 · answered by Omni D 5 · 5 0

Interesting question, and you make some good points. To me equal rights would mean, equal rights as a human being, irregardless of sex. (ie) If I were a man, I wouldn't want another man to hit me, anymore than I would want a woman to hit me.
There does seem to be a certain type of pressure on men; in that if in a physical confrontation; our culture has taught us that a man "a strong, tough, man's man" would never run away or simply try to restain another man, that would seem like he was a sissy...........but in a perfect world wouldn't that be the best possible solution for both males and females? I think a great deal of your question has to do with social attitudes, more than equal rights. Women are of course physically weaker, that gives us a disadvantage, and a hundred years ago women were (supposedly) treated as the more delicate sex; which we are....but our world today at some level and in my opinion; forces women to take on roles that were once only taken on by men. Men were out being the hunter's, the bread winners, women were more likely to be at home taking care of the off-spring.............but for most of us today that's not an option. Frankly, if I could have my way, I would like to be treated differently because I am a woman, I would also like to have a role more like that of the past.........but in a society where it's been a man's world for so long it is difficult to want or expect that. Women seem to me to be becoming more masculine in many ways simply by virtue of the dual role we now play in society. I don't really care for having the roles of a man and a woman both, but I don't think I have much of a choice.

2007-02-19 12:56:36 · answer #6 · answered by mchlmybelle 6 · 2 1

in regards to your example, i think if someone is hitting you, you should use reasonable force to get them to stop - and no more force than that. i would expect that if a women is hitting you, if you can, try to restrain her, or get out of her way. if a smaller man is hitting you, do the same thing. if a bigger man is hitting you, it may not be possible to restrain or move away. your only action might be to fight back. as i said, it depends on the circumstances. you should only do enough to try to get yourself out of the situation - whether it is with a man or a woman.

women want equal rights. this does not mean that we want to be treated as if we were men. we want the right to vote, work in any field that we choose and are capable in, be paid the same for the same work, have equal chances of promotion if we are good enough and committed enough for the role, the right to choose our husbands, choose whether we want kids or not, and choose how we live our life. this are all things that many men take for granted, but what women have had to fight for over the years.

i still want to be treated with the respect due to a lady - common courtesy is not a privelege. it is something that all people should practice (both men and women). men have just as much right to courtesy as women do. i expect to be treated as an individual - not as a gender.

2007-02-19 12:38:59 · answer #7 · answered by Minerva 5 · 5 1

You're ignorant and insulting. I won't say why and I won't go into detail about how wrong you are, due to your hard-headiness.

Good day, sir.

P.S. You should stop generalizing. Don't ask why. If you used your brain, you'd know why. But then again I can't expect you to be able to think that deeply.

EDIT/Response to your response to me: Your first question that I saw was quite general and a little insulting, and as to how smart I am...hmm...how old do you think I am? For my age, anyone would say that the questions I asked were quite normal. Here's how you are ignorant: you are too stupid to not know by now to just ignore idiots on here. THERE.

The reason why it would be o.k. to hit a guy who was trying to harm a girl is because men are biologically bigger than us. Think about it, how can a girl seriously harm a guy in one hit? A guy, on the other hand, could seriously harm a girl in a single strike, and in a fight no matter if you're defending yourself or attacking, you could still be put in jail for harming the person. However, if you are one day attacked by a giant she-beast, then I hear-by give you permission to protect yourself with a weapon.

P.S. I know what generalizing means.

2007-02-19 17:35:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I don't understand why this is so hard...women are humans; humans deserve equal rights; therefore women deserve equal rights...if by "treated like a woman" you are referring to "chivalry" or some such crap...your "chivalry" means nothing to me, I'll take my civil rights and equal consideration, any day. And if by "treated like a woman" you mean treated as though I'm "less than" just because I'm a woman...well, that belongs in the 11th century, as well. That this idea of "chivalry" (which doesn't truly exist, anyway) is somehow a reason to EXCLUDE half of the population from civil rights, is ridiculous to me. Obviously, the one completely outweighs the other in the overall scheme of things. I can only hope that your high school teacher will do a good job of explaining equality and civil rights in your civics class when you take it, and that you will pay close attention, because you seem to want to attach a lot of "conditions" (such as women being subjected to physical violence more often) to equal rights, and that's not how it works. You are a bit confused on this issue (as are a lot of people much older than you), but you're young, and there's still time.
Oh, BTW, I open doors for men, women and children ALL the time. Where I'm from, everybody does, it's common courtesy, and a non-issue. As for "hitting people"-you shouldn't hit anyone, it's assault, but if you have to defend yourself from a man OR a woman, you have every right to do so, legally, so long as you respond with only as much force as is necessary to protect yourself...that goes for men and women.

2007-02-19 16:46:43 · answer #9 · answered by wendy g 7 · 1 3

Well, think about it for 1 second. It doesn't matter if it's a woman or a child or another man trying to hit another man, women or child. If one is greatly stronger than the other and is capable of protecting theirself without harming the smaller or weaker person then they should. That doesn't have anything at all to do with equal rights - it's just common sense. You ask other people to think and be intelligent - you should take your own advice.

2007-02-19 12:39:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

I can't speak for others, but when I talk about equality, I mean that you do not discriminate against people due to gender, etc. I.e., for a job, base it on if they can do the job, not male vs. female. I work in EMS, which is a predominantly male field. There are females who truly cannot do the job, and they should not be given the job just to fill a quota. However, they should be given the opportunity.
As for personal violence, I don't believe in it except for when absolutely necessary, (protection of those unable to protect themselves, etc.) regardless of gender. I do believe in courtesy, and using good manners, again, not based on gender.

2007-02-19 12:39:39 · answer #11 · answered by Chelle Belle 2 · 1 0

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