It has nothing to do with oil.It's all about stopping terrorists.Why do you liberals always try to ignore the facts.We have had no terrorist attacks since 9-11,thanks to president Bush and our military.If we went to the Middle East for oil why does the oil price keep going up.I know, I know, you can't reason with a liberal.
2007-02-19 11:54:06
answer #1
answered by shawnn 4
As clearly as possible understand this: The Federal Government of the United States, both Liberal Democrats and Conservative Republicans do not govern the people of the United States, they delegate that responsibility to the State Governments.
What they do is work in the interest of corporate conglomerates and so long as there is profit in oil, they will serve oil conglomerates. So your premise of trying to become more dependent or independent of oil consumption is false, they will do what is most profitable for those they serve. The same holds true for any other business they can make a profit from.
If the Federal government wanted to save the economic base of the United States and prevent foreign powers from simply buying our industry, stripping our company's bare, exporting our jobs, and abusing our market, they could easily reverse the deficit with tariffs on imported goods. In microcasm the Federal deficit is caused by an American company paying a dollar's worth of labor to make a product, and a foriegn company paying a dime to make the same product, then both selling their product on the American market (the American public) for the same price, causing a trade defict of 90 cents. Tariffs are how the United States protected it's economy and people prior to Reagan, and how all other countries in the world still protect their economies.
They choose to instead destroy American from the inside with corporate greed and enrich themselves. This is not a conservative vs liberal or a Democrat vs Republican issue, this is an America vs EU or America vs Asia issue. It is totally economic, and based on greed of the wealthest upper 1%, and exploitation of the rest.
Bush's attempt to monopolize the world's oil supply was a response to the fact that politicians since Reagan, and most notably Clinton (NAFTA & GATT) have been destroying the economic base of this country for the past 25 years. Talk of high paying Union jobs, and lazy inept Union represented employees is a smoke screen to divert attention from the true disaster. Job loss is a symptom not the problem. The problem is an attack on the U.S. economy by outside interests, similar to the manner in which the EU took over Europe with EUROS instead of bullets. They did what Hitler tried to do by using money instead of war.
The U.S. problem is that without an industrial base, without actual factories, eventually a modern country cannot equip it's military or even support it's people. We must stop the exportation of America, before we have nothing left.
India is the largest Democracy in the world, and the source of some of the world's cheapest labor. The only way our politicianas, both Liberal and Conservative will deal with this problem is if we export their jobs to India. I am sure we can pay an Indian supreme court justice less than the $240,000.00 a year we pay our current supreme court with no change in quality. Clearly we could get a cheaper and more efficient Congress and legislative branch of Federal Government if we outsourced the current overpaid politicians we have for Indian ones and recieve a higher quality form of representation, it's the smart business choice.
Only when it directly effects them to Federal politicians react to the needs of the public.
I hope I was clear enough in presenting the problem. The countries surrounding Iran are part of the destruction of the economic base of the United States, Saudi Arabia alone owns a hugh portion of the United States.
2007-02-27 18:32:17
answer #2
answered by blogbaba 6
O.K. it is American Supremecy which lies in Peto dollars. In the 1970's Saudia Arabia was thinking about selling oil in it's own currency which would have I'm not really sure at that point, a loss of something real/imagined or both. The U.S. appealed to the Saudi's to reconsider in very secret talk and offered them weapons (top of the Line) Protection for ever I think they even provide the training for the security of the Royal Family as they could never have lasted in power this long without the permanent state of life support The U.S. keeps them on, as they are despised by the masses. Anyways to make a long story short. This ended up meaning for anybody to buy oil they had to convert to dollars and as Americans being 6% of wold population consuming abou 27% of all world oil from abroad. Depedent on something they were depended on or their very livelihood. This deal though was so sweet buy the oil, the money goes into a bank in New York and to convert it back the Saudi's are buying U.s goods and wall St. is estatic. Today we are in a way different situation. Americans since 1945 started to decline in saving now forget it every singlr man woman and child on average is debt some mind numbing number. In september 2000 Saddam fed up with the extremely punitive sanctions for crossing Kuwaiite's boarders which he explevitly asked permission to do and got the O.K. So Saddam after signing some oil contracts with Russia, France, and a couple of Chineese companies decided as soon as the sanctions were lifted (niave to the end) as he had no weapons sooner or later the U.S. would have to admit this. (He had been betrayed at least 14 times since the CIA helped him into power.) Saddam on that september day in 2000 commited suicide when he uttered "He is going to start selling his oil in Euros" then he did. The Americans could not let this stand and the Arab countries and others all understood this could collapse the dollar the 1rst pillar of American Supremecy, but would hurt world wide. The reprecusions of the dollar collapse was more than most could dare think. Then of couse the second pillar of American Supremecy would fall with the dollar . The military Ironicly Iran, the Saudi's Europe, even the little show of outrage by the French.... they were not that outraged they knew the stakes....It was the callous inhume slaughter of the innocents, the push for greed. the blatant corruption and total lack of care at all for he life of the Iraqi citizens that so disgusted the people of the region, besides the Isreali's they had never seen such monstrous inhumane people. After three years of lstening to the Bush/Cheney rheteric and doing not a thing to help a single Iraqi. The Iranian leader could no longer stomache it and annouced his intention to start selling Iran's oil in Euro's, then just recently to U.S. utter astonishment the Sausi's who have never ever let the Americans down were also to disgusted by them to live with selves and said they are also thinking of doing the same. Now Bush and Cheney reaaly are insane......Why are they still alloewed in power? Isn't their some law where people can demand a phsyc test?....Mary.
2007-02-27 17:52:43
answer #3
answered by mary57whalen 5
Let me set the record straight
The reason why you keep seeing the demands for oil is quite
simple..No one has fully exploited an alternative to oil based
usage...and if they did...the cumbersome powers that be
would strive not to go for it due to their investment in Foreign Oil
Take Bill Gates for example..Microsoft caught the Devil when
they first started up...but now...since the powers that be
heavily use his products because the marked was thuroughly saturated with it BOO he's bigger than buttered
popcorn at the movies.
Threre will always be a need for some entity in some shape or form necessary to profit from the use of a product .No Auto
maker is going to cut his own profits unless the next fuel source
for his vehicle proves to be a popular therefore
don't expect them...or the wean themselves
off of oil
2007-02-26 20:10:29
answer #4
answered by Johnnie C 3
I think it is a myth that America is trying to break it's dependence on oil. Remember, the Bushes are oil men from way back. Also many industries that are currently dependent on oil have very powerful lobbies. If we cut our dependence on oil, this would necessarily change how many industries operate. The old guard dies hard! As for the countries that are near Iran, we have made friends and enemies in that region for many years. One day someone is our ally, the next he is our enemy. Were I one of them, I would find it very difficult to trust and believe in the motivations of America and it's leaders.
2007-02-26 19:54:58
answer #5
answered by Rosebudd 5
Listen carefully. There is no oil in the Caspian Sea. maybe fish oil, but thats it. The oil in the gulf is about 1,000 miles south in the gulf. We could very easily have more oil than in all of Iran if we used the resources in Alaska, but the tree huggers refuse.
The countries that surround Iran are counties like Kuwait and saudi Arabia and Jordan who are grateful that General Swartzkopf stopped Saddam and gave them back their countries.
2007-02-26 17:36:05
answer #6
answered by Bill 2
We all heard no blood for oil when we went to Iraq. Our gas prices have gone from 1.29 to 2.39 a gallon. Does that sound like we went there for oil? The media will not report the truth about this. Would you rather fight the terrorists on their land or ours?
Most of the neighbors to Iraq and Iran welcome us. Talk to a veteran, ask him why we went not the anchor on the evening news.
2007-02-27 18:32:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Besides oil, the military wants a foothold in the middle east. Just think....
a base in EVERY COUNTRY!
World military dominance!
Viva La US Military!
2007-02-27 14:43:50
answer #8
answered by ThatguyPete 3
Your 'term's are incorrect. Nobody, including Saudi Arabia, wants Iran to have nuclear warheads.
2007-02-19 19:50:05
answer #9
answered by Shaddup Libs 5
2007-02-27 19:15:11
answer #10
answered by Robert B 5