Beetles usually like damp areas so locate this first. If it is rotting timber then that needs removing, then you need to see why that area was damp. Stop the moisture ingress, allow the damp area to dry out (3 months) then seal the area correctly before replacing the timber. (skirting board/cupboard etc)
In the meantime get some insect/bug killer that is a powder you can use in the immediate area and keep away all food items even if they are sealed in jars etc.
Sounds like a lot to do but it isn't really it's the time to allow the area to dry out that is the biggest drag. It may be quicker but most people don't have a moisture meter to check and I don't know if the area you are talking about is on the floor or around a window or vent so I have tried to use worst case scenario.
2007-02-23 03:37:29
answer #1
answered by noeusuperstate 6
K..I used to get them at the cottage...and mine was from leaving a couple bags of garbage there when we left...when we got rid of the garbage we got rid of the beetles...they were big and black..yours?? if you don`t have an garbage kicking around ..maybe u could call your local exterminator for some advice??
2007-02-19 18:10:57
answer #2
answered by heather h 5
I had them last year in my kitchen and tried all sorts to get rid of them. It turned out the cupboard under the sink had just bare brick wall behind it and that's where they were coming from.
I bought some pest powder, sprinkled it all around the edges of the kitchen and they moved out that night - Ive never seen one since!
2007-02-19 18:10:10
answer #3
answered by CrunchyCookies...Leeds...x 4
are they little silver wriggly bugs ? if so, then they could be silverfish. they love damp areas, so u need to try and keep the humidity down, and make sure all your food packets are well sealed, and there's no spillage in your cupboards that might encourage them. u really do need to find out what kind of bugs are in your kitchen before u can find out the best way of dealing with them. there are bug sprays / powders that u can buy to kill insects, but again u need to know what the bugs are before u know what type of product to buy.
2007-02-19 18:11:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You could try a line of Boric Acid powder around the perimeter of your house. They don't like to cross the line. Good Luck.
2007-02-19 18:05:59
answer #5
answered by geocache_az 1
You can buy crawling insect powder put it down and they carry it back to the nest a bit like ants and then die in the meantime if you see any give them a wack with a shoe.
2007-02-19 18:08:16
answer #6
answered by Bernie c 6
you simply got to lift them out...
though if they are hatching somewhere you'll have to do some investigating and see where they are living. sus this out then clean the area thoroughly. Maybe under a rug, or under a cuboard, its very likely an area which is damp, so its probably under your sink...
2007-02-19 18:07:17
answer #7
answered by oscaria 2
call the environmental health,failing that,spray all the edges of your kitchen with raw bleach,and I mean every edge,as I had the same problem,worked for me,good luck.horrible little nasty things.
2007-02-19 18:12:27
answer #8
answered by LYNDA M 5
dont let them BUG you babe take a crash course in beetlemania
say beetle beetle beetle 3 times and see what happens let me know if it works betelling me now
2007-02-19 18:08:45
answer #9
answered by Ken M 3
oven cleaner
2007-02-19 18:09:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous