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I brought these floor model chairs for a big discount, and I noticed when I got home that the leather seats looked kind of dry. I used some Pledge to dust the wood and even wiped it on the leather seat, but when it dried, the leather still looked kind of dry. Any suggestions on a good product to make my old, dry leather look newer?

2007-02-19 09:40:55 · 5 answers · asked by Dizzle 1 in Home & Garden Other - Home & Garden

5 answers

You need to use a good quality water based foam leather cleaner.

DO NOT use anything containing oils, waxes or silicones. (Most 'conditioners' contain waxes or oils) and furniture polish contains silicones

BABY WIPES are the worst thing you can use as they will destroy the finish on your leather. They are very strong alkiline cleaners to neutralise urine (acid) on babys skin so they are not the right thing to use on leather.

Saddle soap is too harsh to use on todays furniture.

A lot of leather wipes contain chemicals which will also destroy the finish or leave residues on the leather which will damage it. They are not cheap in the long run as you would need a lot to clean a whole leather sofa. A bottle of foam cleaner should do your furniture 1-2 times.

You should also follow this with a good water based leather protector which will act like a 'scotchgard' and inhibit dirt and stains from being absorbed and make cleaning easier the next time.

Dry leather needs rehydrating with water and oils and waxes should not be used as the natural oils do not dry out of leather. Wiping over with a damp cloth regularly will help to do this.


Leather care consultants to the furniture and cleaning industr

2007-02-20 22:13:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1, clean the leather using facial wipes .2buy a good quality leather restorer,the co lour of your leather.3use as instructed.4 never use a silicone based cleaner i.e. pledge Mr.sheen. 5 leather is organic so treat i t with t.l.c.

2007-02-19 09:52:02 · answer #2 · answered by jo jo 2 · 0 1

neets foot oil

2007-02-19 09:49:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

snow seal

2007-02-19 10:21:49 · answer #4 · answered by Bonno 6 · 0 1


2007-02-23 05:30:28 · answer #5 · answered by quackpotwatcher 5 · 0 0

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