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I am trying to prune my trees (first year) they are about 5.5 ft tall I want them to stay full to cover pool equip. But I need details

2007-02-19 09:34:35 · 2 answers · asked by Betty C 1 in Home & Garden Garden & Landscape

2 answers

Betty! So glad you asked this question, and I hope it's not too late. Down here (in the Houston area) landscapers have a really BAD habit of pruning crepe myrtles in a dreadful manner...scalping them really. There is a better and more "humane" method (if we can use that word when dealing with trees?)
You're dead-on when you say it's time to prune. Now is the time. I'm going to drop you a link or two for more information, and wish you Happy Yardening!

2007-02-20 06:47:02 · answer #1 · answered by bec_ker6 6 · 1 0

The best time to trim crapes in is late winter or early spring - just prior to new growth emerging. For years, we've suggested this as a great time to trim them, because at that time we're also trimming back our roses and many other plants and trees. Now (late autumn) is the wrong-season. Wrong-season pruning would mean November and December. Don't let "peer pressure" by neighbors and commercial gardening crews get to you. If you trim the crapes in the last two months of the year, and we get a warming trend in January or February, the trees might actually start putting on new growth. That new growth will be highly susceptible to freezing weather should it come on the heals of a warm spell. New growth will also tend to draw the cold right into the plant, causing needless damage to a tree that should be resting in dormancy.

2016-05-24 17:38:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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