Instead of buying her something, tell-no. Show her how thoughtful you can be by making her something from scratch like a sweater or something out of Play-Dough-who knows! You're very creative with that scrapbook thing, do what your heart tells you!
2007-02-19 08:20:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
a scrapbook sounds like a great idea you could whip up a few pages with a book and raw materials from the dollar store. I'd say about $6.00 would cover the book the paper and the embelishments. THe most important things on the page will be the pictures and what you have to say to her in them.
I am sure that she knows how much you love her this book and the breakfast will be icing on the cake.
if the scrapbook thing does not work out, why dont you make your mom QUEEN FOR A DAY!
At the dollar store you can find a CROWN (or at toys r us for a few bucks more)
wrap that up along with a few ideas that would make her feel royal!
give her a few coupons that you make telling her you will wash the dishes or do her nails.
YOu can get some toenail polish and a pan and soak her feet and make them look really pretty. she will love it. Maybe a facial too!
you can make a coupon for no back talking or watching a movie together or taking out the trash too. Interview her and ask her what things were like when she was little. Ask her to share her favorite memory with you. Send your grandma a note thanking her for rasing the best mom in the world (they will BOTH love that)
She probably wont use them all but she will cherish the thought!
2007-02-19 16:19:37
answer #2
answered by kissmymiddlefinger 5
the scrapbook sounds like a good idea! but if you want something that will be really cool, and probably take less time, plus she can use more often, make her a necklace/pendant. find a bead store (i don't know what city you live in, but i think most big cities have one), and you can not only buy everything you need, but most times, you'll even get some inspiration from the stuff they sell and display. if you don't know how to make it, go to this website (for a store in toronto)-, and you'll find instructions. you can make her a beautiful pendant in one day, and i bet you she'll love it!
2007-02-19 16:30:26
answer #3
answered by chickie 2
The scrapbook is the best idea. It will show your mom how much you value her as the mom of the family! It doesn't cost too much either. Your mom is blessed to have such a sweet daughter that wants to honor her.
2007-02-19 16:25:21
answer #4
answered by Joan H 4
Your ideas are lovely, alternatively perhaps you could consider making a photo collage of the family either in an inexpensive frame, or out. Personally I loved anything my daughters put thought and effort into, especially when it involved giving me a break by doing extra chores and getting along without fighting. If your Mom likes cake maybe you could make her one.I'm sure your thoughtfulness will be appreciated.
2007-02-19 16:18:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i made my partner an A-Z of our lives together so far and he really liked it. as a mum myself i would love something similar but prob with added photos / memories / mementoes - i think that would be a lovely gift. if you havent got photos of places she's visited -try google/yahoo images! good luck
2007-02-19 16:17:28
answer #6
answered by sammyc 2
Buy your mother something to show her that you apprieciate
2007-02-19 16:14:38
answer #7
answered by pinky 1