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2007-02-19 05:42:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Weekend avalanches kill 6 in West
POSTED: 9:53 a.m. EST, February 19, 2007
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HELENA, Montana (AP) -- Weekend avalanches killed six people in Montana, Utah and Idaho, and one bruised survivor traveled miles by snowmobile and on foot to reach help, authorities said.

In Montana's Big Belt Mountains, the bodies of two snowmobilers caught in an avalanche were found by searchers early Sunday and removed by helicopter later in the day.

That avalanche happened Saturday at the base of Mount Baldy, about 20 miles from Townsend. A survivor traveled the 15 or 20 miles back to the trailhead, initially by snowmobile and then on foot after the machine became stuck, Lewis and Clark County Sheriff Cheryl Leidle said.

2007-02-19 05:43:04 · update #1

If only it had been warmer the snow would have melted a while ago and we wouldnt have this problem.

2007-02-19 05:43:37 · update #2

Seriously, do ya'll understand ANY of the science behind what ya'll are saying?

2007-02-19 05:49:43 · update #3

7 answers

You really don't know what Global Warming is... do you?

2007-02-19 05:45:59 · answer #1 · answered by Gottlos 4 · 3 2

um avalanches are caused by the heavy snow the kind that comes from partial melting like when it too warm beyond that why do you freak say 300 scientist are wrong(the government says so) yet a dozen government funded scientist say pot is bad and you run a multi billion dollar drug war but lets gamble with the future of the planet cause after all you own it dont you?

2007-02-19 13:53:00 · answer #2 · answered by mark s 2 · 0 0

Warmer temperatures could cause more avalanches as it would cause more instability on the mountains. No, it wouldn't help.

2007-02-19 13:51:38 · answer #3 · answered by liebedich85 4 · 0 1

One of the side effects of global warming is extreme weather. It can even induce extreme cold weather in some areas. So really, things like this will get worse with global warming.

2007-02-19 13:48:01 · answer #4 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 2 3

You don't turn Global Warming on with a switch. Do your self a favor , get educated.


2007-02-19 13:48:13 · answer #5 · answered by truth seeker 7 · 2 2


avalanche happens in 1861 and no1 cares...

avalanche happens in 2007 and its global warming...

2007-02-19 13:47:09 · answer #6 · answered by Corey 4 · 3 1

It forgives. my English is not good! they read this
I am Brazilian and wanted that world read this.

>>SHOW OF the BRAZILIAN MINISTER OF EDUCATION IN the United States >>Essa deserves to be chore, after all is not all day that a Brazilian gives um>>esculacho educadíssimo in the Americans! >>Durante debate in a university, in the United States, o>>ex-governador of the DF, former-minister of the education and current senator CRISTÓVAM >BUARQUE, was questioned on what it thought of the internationalization of the >Amazônia. The young American introduced its question saying that he waited >resposta of a Humanist and of one brasileiro.>>Esta was not the reply of the Sr.Cristóvam Buarque: >> " In fact, as Brazilian I simply would speak against a>>internacionalização of the Amazônia. No matter how hard our governments do not have the well-taken care of >devido one with this patrimony, it he is nosso.>> " As humanist, feeling the risk of the ambient degradation that suffers the >Amazônia, I can imagine its internationalization, as well as of everything the >mais that has importance for humanidade.>> " If the Amazônia, under an ethical humanist, must be >internacionalizada, let us internationalize also the reserves of oil of >mundo entire. The oil is so important for well-being of the humanity >quanto the Amazônia for our future. Although this, the owners of the reserves >sentem themselves in the right to increase or to diminish the extration of oil and to go up >ou not it seu>>preço.>> " In the same way, the financial capital of the rich countries to deveria>>ser internationalized. If the Amazônia is a reserve for all the >humanos beings, it r burnt for the will of an owner cannot if, or of país.>>Queimar the Amazônia it is so serious how much the unemployment provoked for the >arbitrárias decisions of the speculators globais.>>Não we can leave that the financial reserves serve to exactly burn >inteiros countries in the volúpia of especulação.>>Antes of the Amazônia, I I would like to see internacionalização>>de all the great museums of the world. The Louvre does not have to belong only to the >França.>>Cada museum of the world is guard of the most beautiful parts produced for the >humano genius. If this cultural patrimony cannot leave, as the Amazonian >natural patrimony, either manipulated and instructed for the taste of a >proprietário or a país.>>Não it makes very, a Japanese millionaire, decided to embed with it, a picture >de a great master. Before this, that picture must have been >internacionalizado.>> " During this meeting, United Nations is carrying through the Fórum>>de the Milênio, but some presidents of countries had had difficulties in >comparecer for constaints in the border of U.S.A. Therefore, I find that > New York, as headquarters of United Nations, must be internationalized. For the >menos Manhatan the humanity would have to belong to all. As well as Paris, >Veneza, Rome, London, Rio De Janeiro, Brasilia, Recife, each city, with >sua specific beauty, its historia of the world, would have to belong to the world >inteiro.>> " If U.S.A. wants to internationalize the Amazônia, for the risk to de>>deixar it at the hands of Brazilians, internationalizes all the armories >nucleares of U.S.A. Because they already had even demonstrated that weapons are capable to use >essas, provoking to a destruction thousand of bigger times of what the >lamentáveis burnt made in the forests of the Brasil.>> " I defend the idea in exchange for to internationalize the forest reserves of >>mundo the debt. Let us start using this debt to guarantee that >cada child of the World has possibility TO EAT and to go to we escola.>>Internacionalizemos the children treating them, all they, não>>importando the country where they had been born, as patrimony who deserve cares of >mundo inteiro.>>Como humanist, accepted to defend the internationalization of mundo.>>Mas, while the world to treat me as Brazilian, I will fight so that >>a Amazônia is ours. “Only ours. >>ESTA SUBSTANCE WAS NOT PUBLISHED, FOR REASONS ÓBVIAS.>>AJUDE TO DIVULGE IT, IF POSSIBLE IT MAKES TRANSLATION FOR OTHER LANGUAGES THAT >DOMINAR.>>PASSE FOR THAT YOU IT WILL BE ABLE, BECAUSE IT WAS UMA BAITA REPLY TO >AMERICANOS! >

2007-02-19 13:48:06 · answer #7 · answered by jon jon 2 · 1 3

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