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I am going to buy one next week. Not a tempurpedic, but a newcastle ($1300). Does anyone have any feedback on them before I buy? Or should I just go with a regular serta?

2007-02-19 05:32:58 · 6 answers · asked by Nicole S 2 in Home & Garden Other - Home & Garden

6 answers

Did you try out the bed first or are you ordering it? I suggest to go to a mattress store and lay on them to see if you like them first.
I thought I'd like them also until I went to a mattress store and found out I had a hard time getting out of it literally. It seems you are pushed by gravity into it. I didn't care for it.

2007-02-19 05:55:15 · answer #1 · answered by Granny 2 · 1 0

we have had a couple of memory foam mattresses, but never had a truly good night's sleep until we bought a Select Comfort air bed! There is no way to describe how good the bed is. On any other bed, I could only be in bed for 5-6 hours before I got a back ache. I can stay on this mattress up to 9 hours in complete comfort. And, each side of the bed is adjustable so that you and your sleeping partner can make their side of the bed as soft or hard as wanted. You can buy this system for about the same money as the upper end foam mattresses. We love our so much that we bought one for our motor home too.

2007-02-19 06:07:13 · answer #2 · answered by toothacres 5 · 0 0

I researched memory foam beds... was tired of mediocre sleeping and was buying a new mattress and decided to splurge a bit. Found memory foam can be hot, and hard, and not always comfortable.

Then I discovered...


For about the same price, you can buy a latex foam (Talalay or synthetic). Best sleep I have had... ever. Good source... best price... awesome quality!


Tell them Jeff Arnold mentioned them... I get a free pillow if you buy!

2007-02-19 06:23:33 · answer #3 · answered by SomeDude 1 · 0 0

Yep have one... HATE IT... After about 6 months of sleeping in it the bed becomes soft. If is VERY HOT. I have the support in the center of the bed. I have had the bed replaced twice w/ the insurance plan however each pop you have to pay the delivery fees. My bed is always sinking. I wake up with back aches and neck pains. and YES it is a pain to get out of because you sink into the bed! I laid in the bed at the store for 45 minutes and loved it.. got it home 6 months later hated it! You can buy mine!

2007-02-19 11:43:46 · answer #4 · answered by heather j 2 · 2 0

if money is not a issue, then your choice of bed should be fine. if u want to save money, you can buy a memory foam pad for your bed below is a link

2007-02-19 05:51:19 · answer #5 · answered by zeek 5 · 0 0

yes, comfy

2007-02-19 05:39:44 · answer #6 · answered by belliott_777 2 · 0 0

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