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Are aliens real? Has anyone here ever seen a UFO? Do you believe that aliens exist?

2007-02-19 04:27:19 · 30 answers · asked by Angel 4 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

30 answers

I think it is incredibly egotistical of us to think that we are the ONLY intelligent (debatable) lifeforms in the entire universe. Considering the sheer number of planets and stars, there must be more life out there.

Also, according to physics it is impossible to cross those distances. The energy required to go faster than speed of light is infinite and the time to travel would be hundreds, if not thousands of years. So it's doubtful they have come here.
Of course perhaps they have and we simply have not figured out how to travel that far that fast. After all, hundreds of years ago, scientists KNEW that the earth was flat.

And no...I've never seen a UFO. Like i said, I think they are bogus, but stories about them are usually fun.

2007-02-19 04:33:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Life is hardy enough that we will almost certainly find it someplace in the solar system, either growing in liquid water or as spores. There are bacteria on earth growing in rock a mile from the surface and earth has been hit by rocks big enough to knock a chunk that size into solar orbit. It would take a billion years for a bacterium inside to notice that it was in space. I think the biggest answerable question here is in Europa. This satellite of Jupiter has been isolated from the rest of the solar system by lethal radiation belts since it was born. It has a liquid ocean under an ice cover. I really want to know if there is life there, and even more importantly is that life DNA based.
As to intelligent life, we know that nobody is manipulating the radio spectrum on our scale within about 50 lightyears, a volume that contains several thousand stars. There are no particular physical phenomena in the nearby universe that require intelligent life to explain them. This is so remarkable that we have Fermi's paradox, "Where is everybody?"
Lots of people, including me, have seen UFO's. That means Unidentified Flying Object, and mine along with many others remain in that class - unidentified. I don't believe any of them are alien spacecraft.
Designing robots to study Europa and trying to figure out ways of answering Fermi's paradox seem to me much more productive ways of having fun than worrying about alien spacemen. When we have found even a theoretical way that we could travel significant distances from our Solar System, maybe I'll reconsider, but I will bet we know the answers from Europa first.

2007-02-19 10:52:52 · answer #2 · answered by virtualguy92107 7 · 0 0

Its so improbable for there not to be life on other planets is ridiculous to consider the notion.

However.... Aliens visiting Earth is something else entirely.

1.) Life is probable, intelligent life is heavily debated
(google Drake Equation)

2.) For an Alien capable of inter-stellar travel, are we interesting enough yet TO visit? (Tycho Magnetic Anomaly 1 from 2001 A Space Odyssey novel is an example of a cosmic alarm clock. google 'sentinel hypothesis')

3.) For an Alien capable of inter-stellar travel, would we recognize it if it visited?

4.) Would intelligent Aliens visit or would they send probes to monitor and study us? (again, the Monoliths from 2001 - they are Von Neumann probes - google that too)
(google Cosmic Zoo)

5.) Would intelligent Aliens, if capable visit us now or might they have already done so in the past (meaning ancient past)?
(again, 2001 - the monolith that sets apes on the course of evolution to Man - related again to the Cosmic Zoo)

To assume that Humans are such hot topics is extremely arrogant and might be exactly the reason we haven't been visited by Aliens if they do indeed exist. Do you like hanging around self centered people?

Either way, there is no way to tell if the reason we haven't been visited is there aren't any Aliens, they don't want to, they aren't able to or they already have. All of these are possible based on evidence we have - the ego is what picks the 'There are no Aliens' answer from the hat because it makes us feel special.

You'll say that I reference science fiction, but things like ray guns were once science fiction as well. Now they are science fact - lasers do in fact exist for instance. Robots, Bionics, computers, nano technology, genetic engineering even the telephone are other examples. Who's to say what science fictions of today will be science fact tomorrow?

2007-02-19 08:55:19 · answer #3 · answered by Justin 5 · 0 0

UFO's do exsist because in 1970 some where in the US a n alien was founnd and scientist made a few research on them but ever since nothing has been said about it . But there might be life in another planet we might never know it cpuld be true or not, but about the aliens is true

2007-02-19 05:27:36 · answer #4 · answered by Amy 2 · 0 0

To find the answer to your question complete the following steps:
1. Create a high-tech computer and make millions of dollars.
2. Pay someone to make you a spaceship that will take you to other planets.
3. Hire someone to risk their lives up in space to see if there are aliens.
4. When the previous steps are complete you can return to Yahoo! answers and add details to your question stateing that you have answered your own question. Meanwhile everybody will already know and you will be extremely popular around the world. Congradulations now on your great achivments of the future!!!

2007-02-19 05:31:06 · answer #5 · answered by energzerbnny 2 · 0 0

I think that aliens, as in extraterrestrial intelligent life do exist. Where they are, what level of technology, etc they have it is an unknown. I have seen no conclusive evidence whatsoever that UFOs are real.

2007-02-24 21:04:07 · answer #6 · answered by Tenebra98 3 · 0 0

I don't know if aliens are real but, I think aliens exist VERY far away from here. There's water on other planets, but it's frozen, so that's the problem, we can't drink it.

I heard they're trying to plant seeds on Mars so there's enough oxygen, and it cools down so people can "Live" on it. Cool, huh?

2007-02-20 11:10:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe there is life out there somewhere. Is it like us? I highly doubt it. This belief doesn't affect my religious values either. Where in any of our holy texts does it say we are unique?

As someone said there are 10^24 star systems out there. Even if an extremely small number of stars have planets capable of supporting life, as we know it, that still leaves millions and millions of chances. If you want to expand the definition of life then the chances are better.

Have we been visited? No I don't think so. There is just no credible evidence that we have. "Anyone" that takes it upon themselves to make the trip surely would stop in to say hello. It's the neighborly thing to do :)

2007-02-19 05:25:29 · answer #8 · answered by Walman 1 · 0 0

Undoubtedly, there is life on other planets. The universe has 10^24 stars as near as we can tell. If life is possible on only one in a trillion, that leaves a trillion star systems where life is possible.

On the other hand, I doubt aliens have visited.

2007-02-19 04:38:24 · answer #9 · answered by gebobs 6 · 1 0

There is a great chance that there is life on other plantets. Just think of planets as 1 grain of sand on a huge beach, there are tons sand, and if we have life on our planet, somewhere out there should be alien life.

2007-02-26 13:42:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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