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I have been out of work since june, 7 months. I quit my job to do cut in comminsions havnt worked since due to depression. HOW DO YOU CHECK EMPLOYMENT HISTORY, just by calling the companies? can i put a friends company on there?

2007-02-19 04:22:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

I mean I had a job for 3 days in october can they see that, or can they see if I made a company up?

2007-02-19 04:34:31 · update #1

3 answers

You will be caught one day. You may be lucky, if you are not caught.
if you have a break, tell that boldly.

If you have come out of depression, you may tell that you were on your own or freelancing. But, if you are still suffering from depression, no one may consider you for the job, as the depression may 'spread'.
Hence, take necessary medical help, get rid of depression, look positive and apply afresh.

If your previou company experience is good, you can walk through the interviews.

All the best



2007-02-19 04:34:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What part of your employment history are you trying to check? All employee files are open for review by that employee if that is what you are neeeding.

Otherwise if you are looking to see will they give you a good reference, it is against the law to slam or defame a person that worked for you previously.

You can call your past company to get a copy of your file, but without further clarification on your part on what it is exactly you need, it would be hard to pinpoint.

2007-02-19 12:31:55 · answer #2 · answered by glorymomof3 6 · 0 0

does the govenment doc check you out ? if your fit your back to work, if not best of luck , if you fakin , take care out there.

2007-02-19 12:39:30 · answer #3 · answered by raybbies 5 · 0 0

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