You've got a problem of mi raza?
Why do alot of people hate on Mexicans?
The answer is bc, the anglo americans don't want to see"Mexi Cans" get their lost land back.
History will come back again for the people of Mexico and anglos will use their racist remarks.
That's ok for me bc, I know anglos are just using the "BLUFF" Method, against mi people (RAZA).
Spanish has over 800 million of speakers and counting.
Spanish is Latin, not anglo english.
Final answer.
Hint: Scotland Vs. England = Mexico vs. Anglo America is the same similar problem but, Anglo Americans uses the "BLUFF" Method a lot.
2007-02-19 04:33:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
People are basically scared of the unknown and with 'Mexicans; migrating into generally white areas people become uneasy because of culture clashes , they are used to seeing one color of people all their lives and then boom! overnight something changes and it scares the hell out if you, also have you ever thought that the 'Mexicans' may be just as scared of you and have already had racist and bad things happen to them? And don't forget the fact that most of the Southern USA was Mexico only a few years ago, I also remind you that I drive the city streets too and find that every race abuses the roads and I know plenty of whites and blacks that have had their licenses revoked and continue to drive illegally and without insurance, tolerance and respect are mutual, try it because no matter what things are changing.
2007-02-19 04:41:15
answer #2
answered by anthony p 3
Yeah Im with you. Theres plenty of land in the texas/nevada area...I live in florida and aside from Tampa and Miami this state is just open land. So overcrowding isnt the issue. About the jobs, most of them (not to be racist) do end up pursuing more manual labor jobs anyways due to the availability and increased stability of pay, which is labor I personally and many others would not seek in the first place, so I don't find that an issue. I see few issues with open borders, as it would increase the population and capital along with continue to diversify the nation providing a variety of original thoughts and the emergence of a new culture.
2007-02-19 04:21:23
answer #3
answered by rman1201 4
Please tell me your joking? Where to start...Different Indian tribes are and were scattered across what is now our country. There were even some other Indian tribes down in Mexico. When Europeans came over many and most Indians found in our country were killed by the Anglo's (British and Earlier American Settlers) while the Spaniard's (People from Spain) raped and assimilated with the Indians. This is why, folks in Mexico are usually darker and yes some resemble Native Americans, and why the make up of people in the United States and Canada are white. Native Americans up and down North and South America were here before the countries that exist now were created.
2016-05-24 09:20:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The problem is the illegals that jump the border to give birth so the baby is American. Their children come over the border for school and some just come over for work. That means they get the benefits of American citizenship without being citizens. Many get welfare and medical for their kids for free because the child was born here. It doesn't seem fair to USE America that way and it mean Americans who pay taxes are supporting illegals who don't. I may be wrong but it seems like that sort of thing is what causes resentment. If you want to be a citizen then do it right. It also seems unfair to me that they expect things to be in Spanish. This country was formed by people of ALL races and ethnicities and they all spoke other languages. When you decide to move to another country you ought to do your best to fit in with your new country and learn the language. It costs us millions to teach Spanish, make signs in Spanish and let them continue to act as if they still in Mexico. You can't have it both ways. Think of all the germans, romanians, french, italian and many, m,any more that learned english to create this country. They did it without expecting American schools to teach in their native tongue.
2007-02-19 04:39:05
answer #5
answered by MissWong 7
my personal observation is that the average "legal" Mexican driver is by no means a greater amount of asinine than the average American driver. also, the average "illegal" Mexican driver is actually more considerate and careful on the road (since if they get caught without a license their car gets impounded and they cant get it back without proof of registration, and you cant get your car registered without proof of residency); and they best way not to get caught is to not be a jerk on the road.
Personally the ONLY problem i have with Mexican immigrants, and then only the illegal ones, is that they are not following the law to get here. There are thousands of immigrants desperately trying to get their citizenship legally. It's not fair to those who want to follow the law. If you break the law, you should be punished. Illegal immigration is duh, eh?
Now people who scream about "illegal immigrants are taking away our jobs! blaaaaaaaahhh"; well think about it. What job that an illegal immigrant does would you want to do, yourself, for a living? That's right, nearly none. 99% of the job's they are taking are the ones no one else wants. So why complain about that point? The only flaw there is their income isn't taxed; but seriously, how much do you pay an illegal immigrant? And how is that different from paying a legal citizen under the table?
2007-02-19 04:28:52
answer #6
answered by Dashes 6
I do not have a problem with any nationality coming to USA. I think that they all need to go through the proper channels to become legal in the United States. They all should learn English. It is the most spoken language here. If I were to move to any other country then I would need to learn the language of the country that I wanted to move to. If I went to Mexico, then I should know how to speak Spanish. If I went to France, then I should know how to speak French. The same with all countries. Just come to America legally. Through Immigration!
2007-02-19 04:22:33
answer #7
answered by unknown2u 2
I gotta be honest. Not all are bad but there are those that are rude and gawk at pretty girls and talk to each other in spanish cuz they know we dont understand. Some come in illegally and alot of what they do, tax payers have to deal with. Then theres the fact that we have to adopt Spanish as our second language and Im sorry people have been migrating here for centuries and they adopt to us. We dont go to Gemany and tell them to Speak English. That **** sucks. If you expect us to learn a Spanish version Anthem, go back to MEXICO. This is the United states. Meaning we Unite Not Kiss *** to be like mexico. WE SPEAK ENGLISH!
2007-02-19 04:21:31
answer #8
answered by just me 3
Good argument, but the best retaliation to this argument is to use your own words against you. Did you consider the fact that when the whites ancestors came to America they did they same thing? They stole land, Didn't speak the same language as the natives. Maybe they refused to learn their language. Or were you just extremely inconsiderate yourself? They probably are racial towards you because you don't think things threw to thoroughly before you ask such a repugnant question.
2007-02-19 04:26:02
answer #9
answered by A 3
Heres my ideas...
First Great Idea:
Bush wants us to cut the amount of gas we use.
The best way to stop using so much gas is to
deport 11 million illegal immigrants!
That would be 11 million less people using our gas.
The price of gas would come down.
Second Great Idea:
Bring our troops home from Iraq to guard the border.
When they catch an illegal immigrant crossing the border,
hand him a canteen, rifle and some ammo and ship him to Iraq.
Tell him if he wants to come to America then he must serve a tour
in the military. Give him a soldier's pay while he's
there and tax him on it. After his tour, he will be allowed to
become a citizen since he defended this country.
He will also be registered to be taxed and be a legal patriot.
This option will probably deter illegal immigration and provide a
solution for the troops in Iraq and the aliens trying to make a
better life for themselves.
If they refuse to serve, ship them to Iraq anyway, without the
canteen rifle or ammo. Problem solved.
Im like most, if they are legal, then more the merrier. But if they are illegal and refuse to sign the paperwork then send them back home. We have to have passports to enter their country, why not be legal to enter ours?
2007-02-19 04:18:24
answer #10
answered by Koozie 5