It's funny that you bring this question to the table because i had just been thinking it myself. My sister - who has never supported abortion just had one done at 11 weeks because of the low life boyfriend who filled her head with reasons why she wasn't ready to be a mom - financial stability and such. I would say that there is no way- absolutely no way that anyone can truly convince themselves that this is not murder. Call it an embroyo or call it a baby- you are killing a living thing. people can try and convince themselves that it's not murder and back it up with a million reasons why they did it. Bottom line they love themselves more than anything. It makes me sick and disgusted that we live in a world where this is accepted as normal. Sad.
2007-02-19 04:17:27
answer #1
answered by leahpar77 2
well, this is the debate isn't it? I agree we should discuss it personally, but its none of the governments buisness. Rebublicans just keep the discussion alive to stir the pot, and make people think there is still an issue to vote on. Once the Supreme court rules on a question, ( i.e. Roe vs Wade) its all over but the crying.
Its a personal choice untill after the 3rd month , or the 1st trimester. Some people think it should be eight weeks as that is when the heart begans to beat, some people think its after the nervous systen developes that there can be simple thought, like the recognition of pain. That happens after the 3rd month. I think anything after the third, UNLESS the mother's life is in danger, is murder, but that's just my opinon.
Lots of folks want you to think that some polititions are bad people because they wouldn't sign the partial birth abortion ban,( which is a horrible practice that happens well into the pregnancy) I know of No Doctor that would perform that unless the mothers life was in emergency risk! And thant's why some lawmakers didn't sign the bill. There was no provision in it to save the mothers life. That exception has to be in there.
But the folks who started the bill didn't really care about passing it, they just wanted to use the fact that some folks didn't sign it to keep them from getting elected. Thats so sad. A good bill didn't get past because bad people wanted to use it for their own politocal gain.
I just wish the government would get on with its job, If we don't stop polluting , nothing else will matter anyway. Why don't they get that? Come to think of it, why don't the rest of uds?
AHHH, just like an unwanted child, it's to inconvenant.
2007-02-19 04:22:07
answer #2
answered by LPnerd 4
When a woman decides to have her unborn baby killed because she feels that it's a "threat" to her health, then she is a loveless and selfish person. Why? Because she'd rather live instead of giving her life up so that her baby could live. This is what love is. This is what heroes do/should do: love is the choice to freely give one's life up to save another. This is what St. Gianna Molla did not too long ago. She knew that she had a condition that would kill her, but would not kill her unborn baby, so she decided to go through w/ the pregnancy, despite the fact that her doctor opted for her to get an abortion. Well, she died, and her baby lived. Many women who are deciding to abort should look into this saint's life and do as she did. Oh, and the baby isn't a threat. How could it be a threat if it is defensless and can't do anything to harm the mother? Rather, it is the condition/illness in the body that may threaten the mother's life, not the baby.
2016-03-29 02:49:24
answer #3
answered by Susan 4
The fetus doesn't know whats going on, it's not concious, and it probably cannot feel if its in the early stages. Think about a miscarriage, when a woman miscarries, its just a bunch of blood cells and whatever "life" that was inside her ended.
Why bring another human into this world anyway if it's not wanted and fill the world with more people that can't be fed and to live through todays, and the futures world? Nothing is worse than being born, not being wanted and either living a neglected life and dying of it (babies thrown in trash? babies killed in microwaves? babies slaughtered?)
Though I am mainly pro-choice, I don't feel I could do it, unless I was raped, or it had some life-crippling disease that would cause its life to be cut short and cause extreme devestation.
2007-02-19 04:30:33
answer #4
answered by sheepeshlysheepy 3
When all these "religious" people whine about how abortion in murder, and claim it is unjustifiable under all circumstances, they tend to overlook many things. Such as,
1. Is the mother able to provide for the child? She may be a teenager who has zero independent financial capability. The child may be doomed to a life of malnutrition and begging.
2. The child may be born of rape. How are you going to tell your child tis reality? Can you face this child each and everday when he/she reminds you of your horrifc experience every time you look into his/her eyes?
3. If there is evidence the child will be born with debitating mental and physical defects, is it fair to bring him/her into thisl world to face a life no child should have to face?
Just to name a few. I'm sick and tired of these "religious" people mindlessly repeating what they're told without actually thinking through what it actually means .
2015-10-10 02:22:13
answer #5
answered by ? 1
i don't know. there are a lot of crazt rules and laws out there in the world and i have the feeling that things are going to get worse as time goes by. it should be considered murder. i mean born or not, the child is still alive and can feel pain. they should make it a law where it is murder. hope this helps. good luck.
2007-02-19 04:24:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
GO TO YOUR : search: abortion and then you will see all the infamy,that professional people doing to kill the unborn...
so sad,million and million are killed everyday...
Hope you make up your minds,and doing sum things... and by the way i do have a blogs,when i talk about the abortion right in my homepage,click in the link and you will send automatically,to my homepage.thank you very much for your visit.
2007-02-19 04:23:05
answer #7
answered by alexstar24mtg 2
This question is exactly why there are huge conflicts between pro life and pro choice activists and supporters.
Everyone has their own opinons on when (during the embryo's development) it's considered "murder".
2007-02-19 04:03:19
answer #8
answered by Kim 3
Your details make this very clearly a legal question, and if not it would be a moral or philosopical one. None of those sort of questions belong in this forum, though there are many other forums on Answers where they would be appropriate.
2007-02-19 04:33:54
answer #9
answered by Kahuna Burger 2
I don't know, it should be. Killing a human is murder, unless that person has been fairly tried and convicted of a capital crime..something that is probably not possible for an unborn or partially born infant.
Humanity begins at conception, therefore _any_ abortion is, or should be, murder.
2007-02-19 04:02:48
answer #10
answered by credo quia est absurdum 7