if your christian or Jewish - heaven
atheist - i dunno, someone said you stay on earth remaining dead
Buddhist, and etc - their opinion
i hate to die. i almost got run over by a car 5 TIMES BY NOW!!!!
I got saved by a man once, and jumped and hurt my ankle 4 times. Hey, don't worry.
We're all scared of dieing
2007-02-19 03:25:01
answer #1
answered by itzthomaz 3
There is really no point in being frightened of something that you can not prevent. All it does is spoils what life you have and makes you feel half dead anyway.
No one can really convince another of what they believe happens after death as we have this wish to see to believe, something we will do when our time arrives.
So if i try and convince you that life continues in some way afterwards you wont really be 100% convinced. Like all the others who say faith is enough, they, if they are honest, still have a doubt in the back of their minds, all be it an iota, and wonder.
I myself believe there is a purpose to this life and a road we must travel to reach our final destination. This is a road we can travel once or many times depending on how fast we each, as individuals , progress. Some might call it stupidity and some might call it otherwise. I call it my comfort and if i´m wrong so what! I´m not forcing it on anybody and my belief seems more logical in my eyes.
My advice would be to stop worrying about whether or not you will have conscious thoughts after death and concentrate on enjoying this one. If it helps try and look for an answer in different faiths be it orthodox or one of the new age.
The point being you will never really know until the time comes and the only thing you can do is except that and get on with your life. Believe me you will be a lot happier for it.
2007-02-19 05:13:27
answer #2
answered by titus 3
This is something I have given a lot of thought to. It is also a very scary topic for me as well as many others. I was raised roman catholic so I am aware of heaven and hell and what it takes to go there. But as a modern thinker , these ideas frequently don't always make sense to me. The most logical senario I can think of is as follows. When a body dies , usually the brain stays active for a period of time. I believe that when the body shuts down the brain sleeps and has what I like to call "the last dream". If you have lived a decent life, your " dream " may be whatever version of heaven you may have. If you have lived a life of evil , well then your "dream" will be horrific. This is obviously only one man's opinion and I hope that heaven is in my future . I try to live a good life and hope that when my time comes that if there is a heaven and hell , the powers that be will understand my questions of the unkown and not hold my inability for "blind faith" against me.
2007-02-19 04:51:08
answer #3
answered by AtHomeDad 2
A lot of people are frightened by this, so you're definitely not alone. But I don't think there's any point in being scared. Many religions try to answer this question definitively, but the plain fact is that no one alive knows the answer for sure. Personally I don't believe in an afterlife, but there's nothing scary about everything just stopping, really. You won't be conscious, so it won't be possible to be frightened. You won't be anything.
Think about it: it wasn't frightening before you were born. It wasn't anything at all. There is no reason to think that anything will be different after you die.
What is certain is that we all live on by the good or bad things we have done, and in the memory of the people we have met during our lives. If you do your best to make the world a better place, people will remember you fondly -- and that's the most positive thing I think you can do in your life.
2007-02-19 03:38:01
answer #4
answered by Saint Bee 4
What happened before you were born? What were you then? Where were you? What if death is just a return to that?
Your fear is a common one.... But it doesn't sound like it's of death per say, but of the unknown. Goes back to Shakespeare's comment, Death is:
"The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of".
Here's a little Zen story that offers me some comfort about death:
One day while walking through the wilderness a man stumbled upon a vicious tiger. He ran but soon came to the edge of a high cliff. Desperate to save himself, he climbed down a vine and dangled over the fatal precipice. As he hung there, two mice appeared from a hole in the cliff and began gnawing on the vine. Suddenly, he noticed on the vine a plump wild strawberry. He plucked it and popped it in his mouth. It was incredibly delicious!
Look to understand this story and you might find the comfort I get.
2007-02-19 03:59:06
answer #5
answered by Shaman 7
I know where you're coming from chick I too am very afraid of death, Im only 27 but I get so upset at night time that I start panicking and crying, Its an awful feeling knowing that there is nothing you can do about it and one day you are actually going to die and there will be no you, I take comfort in the thought that my brain will be ready for it when it happens but as for where you go after you die, I dont know, I used to honestly believe in the after life but when I really think about it, it all seems so far fetched and un real, it has just been made up at the beginning of time a story that was told to the children when their parents died.
I now think that when you die you are put into the ground and become part of it.
Im sorry to say it but I believe death is the end. try to enjoy your life while you can though xx
2007-02-19 03:33:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Is there life after death? Is more your question. Look around the world you live in and ask yourself. Is there life before death. No, don't just look at the world, look at your neighbourhood, look at yourself, you are worrying about something that hasn't happened. Ok death is certain, but would you want to live as you are for all eternity? We don't know what's beyond death so why worry about it. For example:
You get a statement from your bank at it said you owe £250 interest on a loan and you say,"I haven't taken out a loan". The bank replies,that's right but the interest is for when you do take it out.
Ridiculous isn't it, but that's what you are doing and millions of people like you are doing. Live for today. Today is eternity. Carpe Diem (Seize the day). Don't worry. Certainly don't be frightened.
A little story on worry:
I heard about this man who likes to worry. So I said to him,"Why do you like worrying"? He said,"When I worry about something it never happens".
Look at the Lillie's in the field they do not toil or sew, here today gone tomorrow. You are worth much more than Lillie's.**
2007-02-19 13:32:47
answer #7
answered by barnowl 4
I am a christian and my faith teaches me that if I die, I just die, return to the nothingness that I was before, not heaven and not hell, just a period of suspension until my saviour returns. Of course everyone is entitled to different views of death. I learnt that if I believe in an all loving God, then after suffering on earth for sins committed that all loving God would not allow us to suffer in death too, imagine someone I loved watching me from heaven (or hell as the case my be) and having to watch me suffer from the pain of loosing them? makes you think doesn't it. Well, I was scared of death, and sometimes I am scared of dying but I figure It will happen anyway so there is no point wasting time worrying about it.
2007-02-19 04:57:21
answer #8
answered by africanmodel1 2
Please try not to worry too much about this. It is natural to feel scared and concerned about what is going to happen when we pass away.
The best thing to do is enjoy life. Do something you never got the chance to do that youve always wanted to do, find a hobby or learn a new skill. Hold your head up high. Help people out, smile more. Soon enough all these things will take your mind off your fears.
i hope this answers your question. If you want to email me to discuss anything, please do.
I have always believed there is a heaven and a hell. God and Satan. Go Gods way, obey Him and whatever then you get Heaven reserved for you. Choose to go against God and go Satan's way then you go burn in hell. Im not really a christian. This is just what other people have told me.
2007-02-19 04:09:35
answer #9
answered by ? 1
I believe that when you die, it is exactly like before you were born. Before you were were born/conceived (another debate entirely), you simply did not exist. That is the state you enter upon death. There is one big difference though. The things you do while you are alive will be remembered and will have an influence on those left behind. I do not believe that there will be a reward or punishment for things that you did while living. I wish I did. It must be comforting for people who believe in God to know that they are going to Heaven. If you are frightened by death and the aftermath of death, I suggest that you look inward towards your religous beliefs. If you have no religous beliefs (like myself), then take solice in the fact when you do die, you have lived your life the best possible way you knew how and that you did so not for the promise of a reward or a fear of retribution, but because it simply was the right thing to do.
2007-02-19 03:38:32
answer #10
answered by Michael C 1
My own study of the Bible has convinced me that our souls or spirits go immediately into the presence of God when we die. The Apostle Paul wrote that those of us who are Christians "would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord" (2 Corinthians 5:8).
Although the Bible doesn't answer all our questions about life after death, it clearly tells us that we can look forward to heaven's joys when we die, if we know Christ. Shortly before His death and resurrection, Jesus told His disciples, "I am going there to prepare a place for you ... that you also may be where I am" (John 14:2-3). The Bible also says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23).
The most important truth I can tell you about heaven, however, is that we will be with God, and nothing evil or harmful will ever touch us again. In heaven, God "will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" (Revelation 21:4). Why would anyone not want to go there?
All this is possible because Jesus Christ took upon Himself the death and judgment we deserve when He died on the cross for us. And by rising from the dead, He showed that He has conquered death and Hell and Satan forever. Is your faith and trust in Him for your salvation? If not, commit your life to Him today.
2007-02-19 12:57:18
answer #11
answered by ♥Granny♥ 4