I work for a convenience store that regularly imposes undercover stings for underage cigarette sales. This is a common business practice, and I have no problem with that. However, in effort to provide quality customer service, not to mention common sense, if I have seen someones identification before, I will not ask to see it again. My corporate office sent in such a person. I recognized the person, as I had seen their ID previously, so as a courtesy, I did not ask to see it again. The company is not taking into consideration that I knew the person to be over the age of 18, as I had seen the ID before, and are trying to suspend me for a day without pay. I feel that this is morally wrong, but I do not know if it is legally wrong. I feel that I provide excellent customer service, and I take pride in the fact that I get to know my customers on a personal level.
Was the company wrong in sending in someone I knew to be over 18, or was I wrong in not carding everyone, every single time?
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