Guess the Girth
Check with the guest of honor in advance on this one. Some women may find this game a bit too personal, but if she's not shy, it can be a lot of fun. All you need is a ball or two of string. Ask guests to cut a length of string that they think will stretch around the future mom's belly. After everyone has had a turn, the mother-to-be measures and cuts a string that fits her belly. Compare her string to the pieces of string from each guest. The person who is closest wins. You'll be amazed at what people's estimates are. It's a great icebreaker and always good for some laughs.
Baby Picture Match Game
Before the shower, ask the guests for pictures of themselves as babies. Assemble the photos on a board and assign each a number. During the shower, pass out sheets of paper to the guests so they can match each baby to the appropriate grown-up. If the guests don't know each other well, name tags can help the process. The person who gets the most correct answers wins.
Baby Quiz
Ask the grandparents to write down what the parents were like as babies, and include vital statistics such as time of birth, height, weight, first tooth, first smile, age when toilet-trained, and early signs of their personality. Based on that information, make up a quiz about the future parents to hand out to guests. The person with the most correct answers wins a prize.
Melt the Ice
The day before the shower, freeze diaper pins, miniature pacifiers, tiny plastic babies, or similar items in ice cube trays. Give each guest an ice cube in a glass of water or other drink. The first person whose ice has melted so that the frozen item floats freely in the glass shouts, "My water broke!" and wins the game.
Swaddle/Dress the Baby
Get a life-size baby doll, receiving blanket, cloth diaper, diaper wrap, and onesie. Guests take turns trying to either dress or swaddle the baby. Time each guest — the one who does it fastest wins.
Don't Say "Baby"
Give every guest a clothespin to attach to her clothing and wear during the shower. Tell everyone not to say the word "baby" for the rest of the shower. If someone hears another guest say the forbidden word (and it's hard not to say it!), she gets to take the other guest's clothespin(s). The winner? Whoever has the most clothespins at the end of the shower.
Guess the Baby Food
Buy six or eight jars of baby food, all different flavors, and enough plastic spoons for all of the guests. Remove the labels from the jars and number them. At the shower, have everyone taste each jar and write down what kind of food they think it is, without letting fellow guests see their answers. Whoever gets the most right wins a prize. For a large shower, you may need to buy two jars of each kind and divide your guests into groups.
The Diaper Bag Memory Game
This is one of those memory games in which you add onto the list until it becomes too long to remember. The first player starts by saying the name of an item that would normally be found in a diaper bag. The second player lists that item plus one of their own. Each subsequent person must list everything already mentioned, in the proper order, and then add one more item. If you forget an item or list them out of order, you're "out." The last person still in the game is the winner.
2007-02-19 02:19:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Hi. The 'Don't say the word "baby"' game is always fun. I've been to several baby showers and the following games were the ones that I remember as the most fun for all of us girls:
- You'll need rice, tiny safety pins, 2 large plastic bowls and a blindfold or hankerchief. Mix a bunch of the safety pins in with the rice prior to party. A player has to try to pick the safety pins out of the rice while blindfolded and put into empty bowl. Harder to do than you think. Player with most safety pins after everyone takes a turn wins.
- You'll need 2 large plastic bowls, cotton balls, a spoon and a blindfold. Blindfolded player has to put bowl with cotton balls in their lap, then has to hold empty bowl on their head with the other hand. Using the spoon, player has to spoon cotton balls into empty bowl on head. Hilarious to watch, and usually spectators will try to "help" blindfolded player by giving them directions, whether accurate or not.
- If you have some baby dolls and diapers, you can do diaper races to see who can diaper the baby the fastest. Include new mom in this too.
- We've also done the "guess what kind of baby food" with great success. Also, any type of game where you scramble up common words associated with babies on a worksheet, and give everyone 1-2 minutes to unscramble is fun.
- Buy some cheap different colored gift bags and various baby items that will work, then write a letter on the outside of each bag that spells out "B""A""B""Y" (or you can spell out "BABY SHOWER" if you have alot of people). Give everyone a piece of paper & pen, and players have to guess what is in each bag. Item in each bag starts with the letter on the bag, so in the "B" bag you could have bottles, a baby blanket, etc. Just do one item per bag to keep it simple. Nice outcome of this game: New mom gets to keep the items in the bags at the end of shower.
You'll want to make sure you have some little prizes for whoever wins the games, too. You can make up some different gift bags with items like lotions,soaps,etc., kitchen items, pretty picture frames, whatever won't break the bank but will be a nice little prize for someone to take home. Some of this stuff can be bought inexpensively at the dollar store. Good luck!
2007-02-19 02:51:33
answer #2
answered by TNTMA 4
The "poopy diaper" game is tons of fun, as is the "she said this on the night baby was conceived' game. for a sweet memory game, buy 21 blank note cards, and on the front of each one write, Happy Birthday, today you are one! Happy Birthday, Today you are Two...etc, etc. till each note card has all the birthdays from 1-21 on them. At the shower, hand a card to each guest (or to at least 21 guests of the mom to bes choosing) and ask each to give advice to the new baby for their birthday. (i.e., if you got the Happy Birthday, today you are 16 card, you would write something about learning how to drive, etc.) Seal each card in an envelope WITHOUT reading the advice, and put the coresponding birthday number on the envelope. Give the sealed cards to the mom to be to open on every birthday the baby has. This makes for a lasting and sweet tradition for the mom and her new lil darling!
Another traditional game is using clothspins for stealing. Each guests get 3 clothespins when they arrive. Then, choose a taboo word, (like baby, or the phrase How sweet! or How cute! or ban certain actions, like no crossing your arms or crossing your legs, etc.) Every time someone gets caught, the catcher gets to "steal" a clothespin. Whoever has the most clothespins at the end of the shower wins a prize. To put an Interesting spin on this game, fold small "action" phrases into each clothes pin, things like "Oops, you got caught! Now you must sing a lulliby to the mom to be's belly! Very funny to watch, even more fun to participate. Hope these help, have fun and good luck!
2007-02-19 03:21:35
answer #3
answered by janember819 2
WOW there are alot of games you can play... I just did the ribbon ones where you mark on a ribbon how big you think the belly is, and we also did guess the baby food, even with one kid already and knowing damn well what the baby food was, I guessed every one wrong except one... Fun game. Guess the daddy? LOL i sure hope you would have to play that game. Theres one for Mrs anna nicole.
2007-02-19 02:25:09
answer #4
answered by Holly M 5
cotton balls in a bowl.
blind fold
and a heavy spoon
pin the baby in the belly
pin the diaper on the baby
hand out safety pins tell all ladys don't cross legs or someone can take the pin. at the wnd of the shower who ever has the most pins wins.
have contests for putting a diaper on the baby
using dolls
guess the width of the belly have every one pick a length of string. at the end wrap each string around the mother to be to see who won.
um i guess that's it.
2007-02-19 02:23:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Baby food taste test - Take off the labels on jars of baby food, and have each guest take a bite and write down what they think it is. Who ever gets the most right wins.
Who will the baby be like - Make a list of attributes (height, hair, eye color, sense of humor, temper, etc) and have everyone write down who they think the baby will favor in that area (Mom or Dad). Who ever is closest to what mom-to-be wrote wins.
Diaper stacking - see who can stack the most diapers without the pile falling over. Bonus is that mom-to-be gets to keep the diapers!
2007-02-19 02:44:01
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I like the following:
Take a roll of ribbon and have everybody roll out as much ribbon they think will go around the expecting mommy without actually wrapping it around her. Then let everybody see how close they were.
Put names of famous moms on cards and have people pick cards and act out or tell about the famous mom..everybody guesses.
If a coed shower, pick famous couples. Put the names of each member of the couple on the backs of the party-goers. The object is to have the couples find each other, so each person has to ask questions about his/her identity so that they can find their partner. Men can have female identities, that makes it funnier!!
Last one, kinda gross...GUESS THE BABY FOOD!! Take jars of baby food and have one person feed it to a blindfolded person, so they can guess what the food is. Even funnier when both people are blindfolded.
2007-02-19 02:32:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
There is this one game where you blind fold the person and have cotton balls or really anything that can be picked up and put into a frying pan....Remember it should be something that is related to babys and also something that a spatchula can pick up, you could also try the clothes pin game where you give everyone a clothes pin and they can't cross their legs who ever does gets that persons cothes pin. you may also be able to find an inexspencive baby shower game book at a local book store.
2007-02-19 02:21:30
answer #8
answered by Jenn 1
Write out a list of ten baby items (bottle, diapers, etc.), scramble the words and give a copy to each person there. Set a time limit, whoever unscrambles the most words within the time limit gets a prize.
2007-02-19 02:21:39
answer #9
answered by Amanda 7
well this really isn't a game but it's fun...
everytime a gift is opened write down the first thing she says when she sees it. maybe it's "omg i love it" or "that's so sweet of you" whatever it may be
then at the end you call out all of them and they are phrases that she said to her husband the night the baby was conceived. i've also done it at a couples shower and it even more fun with the daddy's comments added in as well.
2007-02-19 02:18:27
answer #10
answered by Amanda P 2