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i am sexually active so will i be getting a pap smear? does it cost extra for testing? what is the process & how long will it take? thank you. i really appreciate your answers.

2007-02-18 17:08:37 · 3 answers · asked by es muy awesome 3 in Health Women's Health

3 answers

They're a regular gynecological office, so they will do what regular doctors do. A nurse will take your height, weight, blood pressure and pulse. She will ask if you have any particular concerns. A doctor will come in a do a pap smear and talk to you about birth control. The pap smear checks for certain diseases, but you may want to ask about tests for other diseases, like HIV. Once the exam is finished, you'll get an envelope in the mail in about a week or two that gives you your results.

You need to ask them about finances.

2007-02-18 17:30:06 · answer #1 · answered by Katherine W 7 · 0 0

i know a couple people who have gone to planned parenthood and they didn't get a pelvic exam, but it depends on the pp you're going to and on your age. the one in my area only does a pregnancy test if you are sexually active to make sure you're not pregnant. first you go in and they give you a few papers to fill out, then you wait a little while until you get called in and then they will weigh you & take your blood pressure & ask you questions such as if you're sexually active or not. then you wait a little longer & the doc comes in and tells you to wear condoms & discusses what kind of bc is good for you. and then they give it to you & explain how to use it. it could take a while, i'd say 1-2 hrs from what i've heard.

2007-02-19 22:06:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The first doc sees the forbidden zone and all your dignity is shot.
You hop up on the cold table, doc says spread your legs and sticks this cold tool inside you and uses like a mascara brush and swipes the walls to ge a sample and thats about it. They tried to help and give a magazine the first time, like I am going to read a Cosmo, right. Health Dept. is Free. Enjoy the lunch bag they send home with you.......

2007-02-19 01:30:42 · answer #3 · answered by Mickey's View 1 · 0 0

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