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ok i need a simile help comparing life to a beautiful painting or a bench... like, " life is like a beautiful painting (or bench), it gets older and older but they both stay beautiful.... i need help!

simile: compares two things using like or as

2007-02-18 14:46:46 · 4 answers · asked by Amanda(: 3 in Home & Garden Other - Home & Garden

4 answers

I suck at this stuff, but I'll give it a go..

Life is like a beautiful painting- the more it matures, the more cherished it becomes. ?

Wait, does that make sense?

Umm.. Life is like a beautiful painting- the older it gets the more it's worth. hahaha Hell, I dont' know. :P Good luck.

2007-02-18 14:52:45 · answer #1 · answered by ... 1 · 0 0

Life IS like a bench, the more you take a seat, the less you make a stand.

2007-02-18 23:01:03 · answer #2 · answered by Magic Guy 3 · 0 0

life is like the mona lisa its revealed in the light as a beautiful thing as a life lived in the light is a beautiful thing

2007-02-18 22:53:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

life is like a bench.......so sit, relax.....and enjoy it once in a while.

life is like a painting....for all to see....to gaze and wonder.........and interpret

Sorry.....best I can muster at midnight with no more coffee in the pot!!!!!!!!

2007-02-19 00:01:15 · answer #4 · answered by ken b 4 · 0 0

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