Its impossible to say how much, without knowing what the color, clarity, and cut grade are?.....
4 different things at least are taken into account when pricing diamonds.
also, for those of you who told this guy that a 9 ct. stone is going to be $54000, you are smoking crack.
Just because a decent 1 ct goes for $6000 or so, you can't just assume to multiply by 9 gets you an answer.
diamonds are the most highly controlled commodity on earth, they filter them into the markets so slowly that prices go up exponentially in the higher carat weights.
for instance, an avg. 1 ct goes for $6000.
at that same quality a 2 ct goes for about $20000
at that same quality a 3 ct goes for about $60000
are you starting to get the picture?
now if you just want a hunk of crap that weighs 9.75 ct, you can probably get your hands on one for under 50K, but with as flawed and included as it would be, its not worth owning.
a gem quality 9 ct is going to run over 1/2 million dollars.
2007-02-18 14:50:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The center stone on my engagement ring is 2 karats and the band it's on is a little over 2 karats. It was $24,000.00 (it's also a platinum setting which is more expensive than gold or white gold). The clarity and cut are really good. But I'm not sure why you are asking that because you should NOT be getting engaged to anybody that you're not 100% sure of. It doesn't matter how long or short of a time you have been with a person--you need to be ONE HUNDRED PERCENT sure that they are the one for you, and trust me, when you meet him, you'll know. Don't settle for "it's a good relationship and I could do a lot worse". Only marry for "I absolutely cannot live without this man and he is the love of my life and the only want I've ever and will ever want to marry". That's what I did!
2016-05-24 05:03:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
single diamond of 9.75 may cost a million dollars
2007-02-18 14:44:02
answer #3
answered by rajan naidu 7
1 karat is usually somewhere from $3000 to $6000.. so it would be pricey. depending on quality around $27000 to $54000
2007-02-18 14:42:41
answer #4
answered by Lo 2
My ring cost 6,00 dollers and its only 1 karat. So I'm thing around 540,000 dollers and i'm not kidding rings are wow
2007-02-18 14:43:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Close to a million
2007-02-18 14:53:08
answer #6
answered by trexsky 3
depending on the 4 C's- especially color and clarity i would say it could range anywhere from $350,000 to over $1,000,000
2007-02-18 14:47:57
answer #7
answered by M E 5
if you have to ask you don't get to bye one
2007-02-18 14:48:57
answer #8
answered by tweed801 5