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i have hazel eyes and i do wanna emphasize them. i've been using dark eyemakeup since it's more formal and i just love the effect. but it makes me look "buried" and makes it look redundant.-dark eyes and dark eye makeup. how can i get the look of not too much madeup while letting my eyes pop with brighter colors(?). uhm, what colors should i use instead?

thanks so much.

2007-02-18 12:23:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Makeup

5 answers

just a simple gold color....or a champagne shade is really hot right now and would really make your eyes pop

2007-02-18 12:32:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try using deep plum as an emphasis colour. Use a cream (highlight colour just under your eyebrow and on your lid. Use a taupe on the crease spreading up a bit to blend (this adds depth if you need it) then put a bit of the plum on outer corner of your lids blending into the taupe. This will make your eyes pop.
Studio Gear has a deep plum called smoky plum.
You can also try using an orange colour. Lola has a great one called tangerine dream that is light and just a hint of shimmer. I use this one when I am wanting a simple look. (I have green eyes and it makes them really green) MAC has a couple orange too. (Just giving you these product names so you can see what colours I am recommending.) Another colour that would work would be a copper or bronze. These you can use as an all over colour or as an emphasis colour. Hope this is helpful!

2007-02-18 12:45:07 · answer #2 · answered by SpaGirl 5 · 0 0

I have hazel eyes myself and I struggled forever to find the right colours of makeup. The best colour is light browns and light gold colours. Its not so dark that it takes away from the nice hazel, but its subtle enough to emphasize them nicely. For lips i wear a really light pale colour or light pink ...really subtle not dark at all. This way all your really nice natural features and hazel eyes are the focal point.

2007-02-18 12:29:01 · answer #3 · answered by LAURA 3 · 0 0

I have Hazel Eyes 2. I would use a light brown or a light purple. Whatever u do just make it look natural. I always go with browns. Hope that helps!

2007-02-18 14:20:44 · answer #4 · answered by hrhtatertot 3 · 0 0

i have 'em too.gold and brown

2007-02-18 13:53:25 · answer #5 · answered by Boricua 2 · 0 0

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