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Has anyone tried the new Almay Smart shade make-up. It's their new foundation where it is a white color and it naturally matches your skin color. Does it work? Does it look good??? If it works what would be the best way to apply it?

2007-02-18 12:03:54 · 2 answers · asked by gocoutureyourself x3 2 in Beauty & Style Makeup

2 answers

YESSS!!! I use it and highly recommend it. It is super easy to find your color cause there is only 3 shades to chose from and which ever you choose whether it be light, medium, or dark it totally matches to your perfect shade. It also covers up imperfections, blemishes and other stuff. But without making you look fake or cakey! TRY IT, its worth the 11 dollars!

2007-02-18 12:20:50 · answer #1 · answered by iluvmje 2 · 0 0

no i have never tired it

2007-02-18 20:07:33 · answer #2 · answered by KenKel1122 3 · 0 0

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