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i am going to ulta and my mom is going to get me a pice of makeup at ulta what is the best product they sell there?

2007-02-18 12:00:17 · 1 answers · asked by hanna j 3 in Beauty & Style Makeup

1 answers

There are lots of good brands at Ulta. If your budget will allow, you should get the higher end products. These lines use 70% pigment compared to only 10% of pigment (ie Maybelline, Revlon). So invest in make-up that will last you longer. Smashbox has some lovely, fun colours. So does Studio Gear. I am a make-up artist and I use all sorts of brands to find the colours I love and want to use. My favourite foundation is Exuviance. Ulta sells it. It is fabulous and incredibly long wearing plus it is really good for your skin. Hopefully this is helpful. If you have more questions about make-up you can e-mail me a firefliesinajar@yahoo.com.

2007-02-18 12:24:21 · answer #1 · answered by SpaGirl 5 · 0 0

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