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my face looks horrible. I have acne, but its light. but i have my blackheads on the nose and the pores look so big! so when i put makeup on looks horrible. also i dont choose the proper blush shade, it doesnt look like a naturall cheek... i reaally need help

2007-02-18 11:56:20 · 9 answers · asked by frog 4 in Beauty & Style Makeup

9 answers

get a black head remover from ulta it is easy great and affective it also comes with a white head remover it works great and helped me!

2007-02-18 12:01:48 · answer #1 · answered by KenKel1122 3 · 0 0

Ok, sweets, this is coming from a skincare professional: I agree that pro-activ is bad. It may work temporarily but it does not solve the real issues. You could get the same results by using Clearasil because it has the same active ingredients. For my clients with acne, I use Murad. We have amazing results with Dr. Murad's products. Everyone who has used them has had excellent results.
Please be careful when using an extractor to remove blackheads as you can very badly damage your skin and cause trauma. If you have inflamed pustules, you need to be sure and not spread the bacteria that comes out of them as this will cause more breakouts. What works the best is q-tips to gently remove the debris from the pore. If your skin is really bad, I recommend you see a dermatologist to get some ant-biotics to help get it under control. Also, you could work with an aesthetician (or a beauty school because it will cost less) to have high frequency treatments that will kill the bacteria in the pores.
About the blush: pinch your cheek a bit and whatever colour it appears to be it the colour you need to use. Ask a friend or beauty advisor to help you match it.
If you have more questions you can e-mail me at firefliesinajar@yahoo.com. I will happily try to help you!

2007-02-18 21:12:13 · answer #2 · answered by SpaGirl 5 · 0 0

Girls, please look at the ingredients on Pro-Activ. You will find "sulphur" listed.

Sulfur or sulphur (IPA: /ˈsʌlfə(ɹ)/, see spelling below) is the chemical element that has the symbol S and atomic number 16. It is an abundant, tasteless, odorless, multivalent non-metal. Sulfur, in its native form, is a yellow crystalline solid. In nature, it can be found as the pure element or as sulfide and sulfate minerals. It is an essential element for life and is found in two amino acids, cysteine and methionine. Its commercial uses are primarily in fertilizers, but it is also widely used in gunpowder, matches, insecticides and fungicides."

Used in matches and insecticides...uh and you want THAT on your face? Use something more natural and just be diligent about keeping your face clean (never go to sleep with make-up on). Drink lots of water and avoid "junk food". Avoid taking too hot showers or washing your face with hot water (makes pores larger, use lukewarm water).

Arbonne's Clear Advantage skin care set ($66) comes with a supplement that begins to heal skin from within. The botanically based formula contains peppermint which is very refreshing and helps to tighten pores. http://www.arbonne.com/products/beyond_basics/wash.asp

A good scrub and or masque once or twice a week can work wonders: http://www.arbonne.com/products/anti-aging/nutriminc/supplement/masque.asp

Also, look for what is beautiful about yourself and accentuate that! Smile! That always makes your face prettier!

Make sure to choose a blush and lip color from the same color family (looks more natural). A good natural blush in a neutral shade is Arbonnes' Glow http://www.arbonne.com/products/about_face/eyes_cheeks/blusher.asp

To contact me visit my website:

2007-02-18 20:38:29 · answer #3 · answered by healthynaturalskin 3 · 0 0

umm i use got the same probs i use dream matte mouse foundation and covergirl powder found. i dont use blush i use a bronzer which on ur cheecks and the bridge of ur nose brush across. then i take like almost all of it off the brush and brush it from my forehead to my chin an back aroundd bw bare minerals works 4 my mom but doesnt have a shade that works on me 1s to light and 1 makes m,e look orange

2007-02-18 20:03:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


Acne treatment is aimed at keeping oil and dirt out of the pores and reducing inflammation. By simply popping and squeezing pimples yourself, you run the risk of lifelong scarring. Treatment of acne involves a step-by-step approach, beginning with milder medications and continuing through a spectrum of stronger medications until the patient finds one that works.

In mild and moderate cases, your doctor will begin with topical gels, creams, or lotions, progressing to internal medications. Some of these medications can produce side-effects, so it is important to put questions to your doctor and read the medication labels carefully.

Hormone-based treatments may help to clear up acne by inhibiting sebaceous gland function. It may take upto 6-8 weeks to see the results of any given treatment, and it is not uncommon for acne to worsen before it gets better. Redness, swelling in the skin, and changes in skin pigment, especially the darkening of skin in darker skinned individuals, may take many months to resolve, persisting long after pimples go away.

It is important to stick with the treatment regimen between appointments so your doctor can figure out what works or doesn't work for you. The regimen for curing acne is generally well established, if not entirely predictable. By taking consistent action and visiting your physician, you can quickly get on the road to healthier skin.

Homemade Acne Treatment
Washing the face a couple of times a day helps but for added cleanliness try a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol before bed. Not only does alcohol help dry the skin of oil but it also kills bacteria-causing germs. And since bacteria is at the heart of acne and blemishes it's important to keep skin free of it's dangers.

Using alcohol more frequently than once daily can cause skin to peel or become irritated. Alcohol is especially helpful when the effects of a pimple are first being felt. Often, the skin around the area of a pimple-to-be can begin to sting or feel sore when rubbed. Upon first noticing this condition douse the area (and only this area) with alcohol three times daily.

Those who have really oily skin have particular complexion problems which often result in blackheads. Oatmeal is one way to treat oily skin and it's inexpensive. Oatmeal is very dry and absorbs oil from the skin. Make a thick paste from oatmeal and water then apply to the face in the morning and evening. Allow the paste to stay on face for 10 to 20 minutes before rinsing with cool water.

Another effective facial mask for those with oily skin is made from honey and apples. After grating the apple into a fine pulp mix in four tablespoons of honey and apply to face for ten minutes. Or beat an egg white until stiff and add a few drops of witch hazel and a few drops of lemon juice. Spread the mixture over the face and leave for fifteen minutes. Rinse well with barely warm water.

Tomatoes work wonders for oily skin as well. After mashing a ripe tomato drain the juice on paper towels for a few minutes. Now take the tomato pieces and pat them onto the face, while lying back, and leave for fifteen to twenty minutes. Rinse with warm water. Do this treatment once daily, preferably in the morning.

You will want to visit tinasacnecare.com for the best infomrmation available.


2007-02-19 19:49:16 · answer #5 · answered by nona f 1 · 0 0

What you should do is go to a durmontologest and have them see what is wrong with your face. Eather that or you are not applying it right and you should try other things/kinds of makeup then if it still looks bad then go to the dermontologest and see what they say there.

2007-02-18 21:46:53 · answer #6 · answered by hanna j 3 · 0 0

have you tried proactiv? it really works for me!

as far as the make-up stuff, my cousin had acne and started using bare minerals brand make-up and her face has never looked so good! her dermatologist recommended the bare minerals but maybe you should talk to a dermatologist too. good luck!

2007-02-18 20:03:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Proactive, a little pricey but I have seen the results from more than one person.

2007-02-18 20:03:56 · answer #8 · answered by crystal89431 6 · 0 0

My niece had terrible acne and then she started using Pro-Active. It really did work for her.

2007-02-18 20:04:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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