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I am getting a job as a bra fitter.
And how do you do it?
I have no clue what to do, and the manager and employees won't show me because they are too busy!
Can you tell me how?

2007-02-18 11:46:00 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

7 answers

Never heard of that occupation....

2007-02-18 11:49:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The easiest thing to do would be to put yourself in the customers position; go and get a fitting from the competition. Take detailed notes and apply them on your new job. It would also be helpful to know the inventory inside out. A person like me will usually walk up to the oldest person in the department (I have found that the older the clerk the more knowledgeabe, the younger the more likely they don't have a clue) and ask them for bras in my size and price range. They usually know the sizes and colors right off the bat.

If you don't know what you are doing just offer to help the customer by getting the colors and sizes. The last thing I want to do is go in, get undressseed and have to go and find more colors and sizes myself. Just admit that you don't know and they will respond with a little more patience. Do whatever you can to gain more knowledge including getting off of yahoo answers and scouring the net for as much information on bras, their history, makers, etc... Good Luck.

2007-02-18 20:05:48 · answer #2 · answered by act as if 4 · 0 0

You measure around the woman's ribcage, right under the breast, to get the band size. Then you measure around the fullest part of the breast to get the cup size. I think it's an inch per letter. Like, if a woman is 36 inches around the ribcage and 40 inches at the breast she'll most likely wear a 36D bra.
A lot of times, measuring gives you a starting point and then the woman needs to try on bras to figure out what works best.
The bra band shouldn't ride up on the back and the breasts shouldn't come out of the cup in the middle or on the sides.
Hope this helps.

2007-02-18 19:52:00 · answer #3 · answered by Dawn S 3 · 0 0


Check her other questions before you waste your time. Some have had to be removed they were so distasteful.

No one would give a child a job as a bra fitter even if they did know how to do it.

Baiting yahoo users with questions like this is unfair and a breach of the terms of use.

2007-02-20 08:22:11 · answer #4 · answered by SydneyMum101 6 · 0 0

hmm i have never heard of it...

..but i think u need to ask for help to the manager...i mean stay late after the shift one time and ask how to do it...and by the way they hired u thinking u knew how to do it? or they were to train u? thats kind of weird...

...but if i remember it right u must measure the waist, which is right under the boobs...and then at the biggest part of the boobs like measure with the tape right on top of the nipples....but then i dont know what to do with the numbers...^^"

hope this helps...good luck girlie

2007-02-18 19:57:16 · answer #5 · answered by I Got a St. Patty's Baby! 4 · 0 0

With every job there is a training period where your employer has to train you to do your job. They are supposed to show you what to do, it's part of their job as well. There are certain things you have to agree to, certain things you are supposed to be taught to avoid insulting a customer or causing any trouble (though you wouldn't intend to). Is this for Victoria's Secret? Where are you working?

2007-02-18 19:52:23 · answer #6 · answered by aussie_gurl118 3 · 0 0

why would u get a job you dont know how to do?

2007-02-18 19:53:47 · answer #7 · answered by KenKel1122 3 · 2 0

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