I have a question for all you I.T. people. I finished college with a B.A. in English and Psychology. I have always liked I.T. and would like to get into the field. I have heard that many places will hire you and train people that have any bachelors, but must have certifications. Since I do not have a bachelor in I.T. but I do have a bachelor’s, I have heard that I am not doomed to go back and get a bachelor’s in I.T. I just need to study and get certifications, i.e., Cisco, A+, Java etc...My question is where do I start? I have some experience in networking, creating web pages (but not traditional writing HTML). I just need to know where to start, any help would be great and web sites that could help would be great too! I have limited experience in I.T. but am above average with programs and computers in a whole, thank you in advance!
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