If you have any credit card debt, the refund should probably be used to pay off your balances. If you're not in debt (you lucky gal!), have you funded a Roth IRA? Putting money away for your retirement is generally a good goal.
2007-02-18 07:10:40
answer #1
answered by SuzeY 5
I would divide into three parts. One goes into the bank in a savings account,next ,pay some debts. Then use the last part to spend for yourself.
2007-02-18 15:15:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You shouldn't have a refund in the first place. All a refund is is a loan to the government. They benefit from your money and pay it back w/o intrest.
You should sit down and map out your financial future including goals and dreams of which will cost $.
The only company I have found can be found at www.primerica.com They take into account the whole picture and do it for no charge. Not a penny! Nobody does that!
2007-02-18 15:25:08
answer #3
answered by Dazedandconfused 2
i would probably have said learn quickbooks so you can do your taxes faster and better next time or maybe buy a bond, but realisticly the government is paying you back for your spending so spend, spend, spend some more!
think of it as helping the economy
2007-02-18 15:15:24
answer #4
answered by looseboy2020 1
If you don't have bills to pay, place it in a high interest account at a local bank or credit union. Save it for a rainy day!
2007-02-18 15:12:25
answer #5
answered by F T 5
Super girl, what kind of question is that, superdeep for an answer.
2007-02-18 15:13:29
answer #6
answered by Unknown zone 2
GO SHOPPING!!!!!!!!Buy you some more clothes or jewerly got anough?buy some for your friends!!!!
2007-02-18 15:17:01
answer #7
answered by courtney 1
You should send it to me.
2007-02-18 15:13:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous