This is a vague foe, terrorism. The war on "terrorism" can never be won. Our administration doesn't understand that the Middle East has been fighting terrorism within itself since the beginning of time, and our actions only inflamed it.
2007-02-18 06:37:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Right, because terrorism only started after we went into Iraq thus, 'creating' all of the terrorists that exist in the whole world. There was no terrorism before then as I recall. I mean, 9/11 was planned by Bush, Cheney and the neocons so that we would have an excuse to invade Iraq and Iran.and then control the rest of the world.
Don't laugh, many 'weak-minded' liberals actually believe that nonsense.
I am impressed, though, that a liberal could even 'hypothetically' acknowledge the possibility of victory in Iraq. I think we are making progress.
The real question is, when we 'convince' the terrorists in Iraq that they are defeated can we convince the liberals and Bush-haters in America? That's going to be the tough part.
Anyway, don't trouble your mind with a 'victory' in Iraq. The cowards in congress are going to 'defund' the war in a few months. After signing their resolution stating that the surge "is not in the best interests of the country", they will "ensure" our defeat. Even though the surge has a real chance of being effective, it will not be given enough time. Congressional cowards are now 'fully invested', politically, in America's defeat in Iraq.
2007-02-18 06:52:54
answer #2
answered by laohutaile 3
A war on terror is another way of declaring the never ending war.
As long as people go in to other countries without just cause and invade people's home and kill their children and families there will be increased terrorism. When there are countries that are willing to let there own citizens be killed for reasons to attack others there will be terrorism.A dark cloud is amongst us and its the propaganda and lies being told to us from our government suppressed media. Journalists are being locked up because they are speaking out. How come 60 minutes doesn't tell us this or why North Korea in 2000 launched a taepong missile and it landed in Alaska. Research now while you still can. Why is the government trying to shut down websites that give us news from abroad , news from other countries. If there was nothing to hide why try to stop nonsense websites as they like to call them.
So I guess if we killed every uncle,aunt ,grandmother,son,daughter,mother and father we could say we won the war in Iraq. But we will have to do it in Iran,Syria,Pakistan and so on and so on.
Thats a lot of dead families. Doesn't sound like winning to me.
2007-02-18 06:58:31
answer #3
answered by stephenmwells 5
I sense a certain degree of sarcasm in your question. While sarcasm certainly has value in some contexts, when used to covertly redicule someone or something, it loses much of its "charm".
Terrorism is a tactic. We are, in fact NOT in a war against "terrorism". If you think about it, the honest, if not politically correct answer is that we are at war against individuals that hold religious beliefs best described as Islamic Fascist. This applies to Iraq, Iran, Syria, Hezbola, Al Quada, Afganistan, Taliban, you name it. Are there other groups that aren't Islamic in origin that practice terrorism? You bet. But they are miniscule fraction of the terrorism inflicted across the globe today.
Because we are at war against people that have militaristic RELIGIOUS belief systems, Islamic Terrorist, we are challenged by the fact that they wear no uniform, respect no borders and are willing to murder ANYONE (Uh...that would include YOU by the way) anywhere that they believe would benefit their cause.
And so, to directly answer your question, no, when we win in Iraq we will not have:
A) Killed all the Islamic Fascist...uhhh...your word terrorists, and
B) The war against Islamic Fascism will not be over.
In fact, the sad truth is that I think that this war, as currently being waged, has a chance to go on indefinately. I believe that there will continue to be terrorist events, perpetrated by Islamic Fascist even if Iraq, Iran, Syria et. al. were wiped from the face of the earth. And, in fact, I believe there is a better than even chance that someday you and I, or someone we know directly, will be murdered by an Islamic Fascist terroristic attack here in America.
Depressing? Maybe, but I don't consider it so. I think people can be divided up into many groups on many issues. But broadly speaking you could divide America into two camps on the issue of whether to fight against Islamic Fascism wherever we find it or just take the position that if we don't bother them then maybe they won't bother us.
I am in the group that believes that where our lives, way of life, freedom and liberty are concerned, fight and fight as best you can. You see, bullys have existed since the dawn of time. They infest our workplaces, schools, playground and the middle east. If you let a bully well, be a bully, then there is no reason for the bully to stop doing what he is doing. He became a bully because he chose to do so for whatever reasons, all of them false, irrational and illogical. So, you can take your whipping and have your lunch money stolen every day of your life or you can stand up to the guy and say by word and deed that my liberty and freedom is more important to me than my life!
It may be time for you to raise up your head and start using your god given ability to reason to approach where you stand on how much your life is worth to you in exchange for you liberty and freedom. Who knows, maybe your one of those kinds of people that like to be controlled in every aspect of your life by the know...A SLAVE!
2007-02-18 07:11:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Terrorism is a tactic. There are plenty of other terrorists in the world- in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Nigeria. Even in Ireland, Germany and the US.
Winning in Iraq will not end the war on terror, but it will make sure that the 25 million Iraquis will be fighting on YOUR side, and not end up brainwashed and turned into 25 million witless suicide bombers by some fat rich cynical dictator.
2007-02-18 06:43:07
answer #5
answered by cp_scipiom 7
No , they will move on to somewhere else , and start all over again . Unless we can entice other nations to become involved in ridding the world of the radical Muslim terrorist , we will be living with wars and terrorist for many years to come .
They have been at war and fighting amongst themselves for hundreds of years . What makes you think they would quit now , just because Bush wants it to be done ?
2007-02-18 06:39:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Sure and pigs can fly. Peter Pan will grow up and hell will freeze over. Any more questions? We are in the end times of our world as we know it. Things are going along as planned. The world will end soon and there will be no more wars.
2007-02-18 06:40:04
answer #7
answered by toontownfanatic 2
I dont know what the heck bush is thinking he's nuts i thing this is more of a personal matter than a peace matter, there were never nuks in iraq in the first place, i totaly dont support anykind of war, unless somebody knocks on your door asking for it.
2007-02-18 06:43:16
answer #8
answered by Snake 2
Unfortunately you are just dreaming and whilst I respect your optimism it is highly unlikely
Surely the terrorism is spreading and no longer confined to Afghanistan and Iraq.
There have been bombings in London,
Madrid, Bali here in the west, and more in Russia and Africa. Think of Darfur.
Mankind has achieved many wonderful things, but by far, his most successful, achievement is Mankind's ability to kill Mankind.
It goes right back to the caveman days.
but one thing
2007-02-18 07:02:29
answer #9
answered by Murray H 6
explain to me how one can fight the war on terrorism with terrorism. do you really think that our troops aren't there terrorizing those people. terrorism will never end, and the US can vouch for that, because rather you want to believe it or not, they are terrorists themselves.
2007-02-18 06:41:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous