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I Biite My Naiils And I Cant Help It I Can Stop 4 About A Week Or Somethiin But Then I Forget And Biite 1 Then I Thiink All The Rest Look Odd So I Have To Biite Them =( Can Any1 Help.?

2007-02-18 05:30:30 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Makeup

21 answers

when my sister had that problem my dad would buy her those little $1 scratch offs and make her scratch it with her finger nails. the stuff tasted so bad that each time she wanted to bite her nail she would end up with that nasty taste in her mouth so she eventually stopped in about two weeks

2007-02-18 05:34:32 · answer #1 · answered by michelle 2 · 1 0

I don't know the answer to your question because I have never had a nail biting problem. I have always had long thick nails ever since I was about 4 or 5. Well actually you can apply nail hardener and nail polish then when you actually put your mouth on your nails it will have a nasty taste. Or you can think of how nasty that is, you know during the day you touch about one hundred different things and that is pretty nasty to be putting your fingers in your mouth. (That's A lot Of Germs.) Or you can apply a very stinky lotion on your hands often then as soon as your hands get even close to you mouth you will be thinking, "EEEEWWW that stinks" or " EEEEEWWWW this lotion tastes disgusting."

Well I guess I did know a solution to your problem. But the reason why I clicked on your question is because our Avatars look like they could be twin sisters. You know you would have to admit it.

2007-02-18 13:48:01 · answer #2 · answered by girlygirl92194 1 · 0 0

There are quite a few ways to try and help you stop bitting your nails, trust me i know its a nightmare ! I bought a tub of cream in which you cover your nails in twice a day. It does work but it realy upsets your stomache if you get tempted to bite. Also using a small piece of clinical magic tape and wrap it around the end of 3 nails on each hand which you bite the most, this way worked aswell. But not for me ... Its my birthday in 2 munth so ive decided to let them grow so i can treat meself to nail extentions but i need 2 let them grow 1st & hopefully it will work :D

2007-02-19 06:23:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My best friend chews on something else instead. Like instead of chewing nails, chew on this minty stuff you can get at a drug store. Or what my mom did was put this nasty tasteing cream on my nails. So if continued to bite them it would taste disgusting. So I never wanted to tase the disgusting taste again, so I quit.

2007-02-18 13:40:26 · answer #4 · answered by Chritsy 3 · 0 0

Set a goal for yourself. Try this stuff called Bite it. You can find it at any pharmacy. Also, put your favorite nail polish on your desk, or in your room. This will encourage you to not bite your nails. When your nails have grown out successfully, treat your self with a manicure with your favorite color nail polish.

2007-02-18 13:36:38 · answer #5 · answered by Sadie &hearts 5 · 0 0

Omg i was terrible bout that!! Then i got braces for a year and couldn't, then got out the habit when they came off!
Put something that tastes HORRIBLE on your nails, you can buy stuff like that, then you wont want to bite your nails!

2007-02-18 16:30:23 · answer #6 · answered by CompleteCreation90 1 · 0 0

This may be your nervous habit that provides you with a greater sense of comfort...try to analyze what causes you the most stress and see if it matches up with the times that you start to bite your nails...if necessary, put tape on them to prevent unecessary damage to your cuticles or spray them with perfume which will taste gross in your mouth. good luck!

2007-02-18 13:35:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

put nail polish on it and put jewels on the tips so that u remember 2 stop biting it - also - get a friend 2 remind u everytime they c u biting - lol its annoying but it works cause they will tell u even wen u look like ur about 2 do it . - or pick up a new habit - like keeping ur nails pretty or painting them every week or idk - somthig wierd like keepin them shiny ......

Good luck -btw it takes time so dont get discouraged

2007-02-18 13:37:17 · answer #8 · answered by kiss_of_a_dreamer 3 · 0 0

i bite my nails, too....there's supposedly this stuff out that you put on your nails and it tastes bad. i don't know about it. you can try that or just carry a finger nail clipper with you. that way when you go to bite your nails they will be so short it will hurt. kind of like the mouse eating the corn attatched to electrodes, you will learn not to bite your nails because you think it will hurt

2007-02-18 13:41:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you can buy stuff that you put on your nails to make them taste bad from the pharmacist. according to some of my friends, it really works, so i would recommend it. i'm afraid i don't know any brand names, but if you go to your doctor or try the chemist they will be able to give you one that will suit your needs.

good luck! i know how hard it is to stop something like this!

2007-02-18 15:26:34 · answer #10 · answered by whynothugsomeone 3 · 0 0

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