When you buy a bond, you're loaning a company (or the government) your money for a given period of time and they pay you interest on that money. When the bond matures, you get your principal back. You can invest in bonds individually or you can buy a bond mutual fund.
2007-02-18 05:53:44
answer #1
answered by LongArm 3
Bond is a debt instrument. It is almost like taking the entire housing community that you live in and floating a bond. People give you money, you pay them interest, and over 10, 15 to 30 years you pay off the full bond principal.
You can invest in bond by calling your broker.
If all you are is a interest generating investor, great. Go for it. If you are more than that, go and search some mutual fund sites, and then learn about mutual funds that invest in convertible bonds, debentures of all kinds, and interest they pay. This fund will then pay you dividends which is the interest from the bonds, and also give you some growth. Also, it will give you diversification.
All, in all bonds, stocks, gold, FDs, FMPs etc....it is all about making money.
Good luck.
2007-02-18 11:33:02
answer #2
answered by KKP_Investor 3
Bonds are issued by government or company. You give them money for certain period and they promise to pay back at a certain interest rate. it is important to adopt the right investing strategiesin order to get excellent return on your investment.
I wish you best of luck.with the right investing strategies and determination you will reach your goals.
check the website link below for more information on investing.
2007-02-18 08:19:21
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Bond is nothing but the 007 James Bond
To invest u have to buy DVD of BOND films
2007-02-18 05:34:58
answer #4
answered by Manish G 2
Bond is short term loan. Earlier it was Non Convertible Debentures. You can invest in it directly or through investment consultant. Pay by cheque.
2007-02-18 15:33:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Zero Coupon Bonds(ZCB's) are PURE DISCOUNT fixed income Securities that are basic building blocks of other types of bonds.As you read this www.Nabard.org has in issue [Closing 20,Feb'07] the first ZCB's in India with a 10 year maturity priced @Rs.9750,- that matures to Rs.20000-,called BHAVISHYA NIRMAN BOND [excludes NRI's & OCB's]. It can be traded or transferred prior to maturity.Though Capital Gains tax applies, it is tax efficient with the benfit of indexation. For more information/
advisory in this context contact with your Investment capital available .
2007-02-18 14:10:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Which bond are you talking about,
james bond
family bond(s)
LIC bond
2007-02-18 05:29:23
answer #7
answered by Raj 1
Check out this link.
2007-02-18 15:32:46
answer #8
answered by Sandeep W 1