I would say the average size of a webpage should be around 200KB.
But it depends on what kind of website. A photo-gallery website would certainly have high average size.
You should divide your web-resources to different files for page optimization: like avoiding inline styles and javascripts and putting them to css and js files respectively.
2007-02-18 07:03:54
answer #1
answered by vin 2
This is a tricky question...
You can put a progressive or streaming movie with a very large file and still get a reasonable surfing environment.
Not including the external files, and for a reasonable (DSL / cable) connection speed you should limit yourself to 50 KB.
For external files and reasonable speed connection you should design the page to 25 KB per sec.
For movies a 5 sec. waiting is justified.
2007-02-18 00:23:45
answer #2
answered by Bsc.@yourService 3
The total size of the HTML is recommended to be less than 100KB
The total size of the images is recommended to be less than 30KB.
The total size of the scripts is recommended to be less than 8KB.
The total size of the external multimedia is recommended to be less than 20KB
To test the performance of your page, upload your page to the Internet & submit its url to the following
Thank You.
2007-02-18 02:53:09
answer #3
answered by Smutty 6