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I am about to apply for the Masters in Public Accounting program at UT-Arlington, but I am very suspicious of my job prospects with this degree when they offer more specialized accounting tracks. Can anyone help me resolve this question by either telling me that I can get a job with a large- to medium-sized accounting firm with an MPA (assuming I pass the CPA exam), or simply tell me to just go for the MS in Accounting or Taxation? Note that I would go for the latter options, but money is very tight, and two years is long enough for grad school. Thanks!

2007-02-17 22:08:40 · 1 answers · asked by Pseudo Yuppie (only if I must) 2 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

1 answers

Unless you plan on working for the government I would go for the MS in accountancy. The MS would be of greater value to you.

2007-02-17 23:05:29 · answer #1 · answered by Flyby 6 · 0 0

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