Do all of you have PHDs in the social sciences? If not, who do you think you are to give advice, ( if it can be called advice ) which could be potentially harmful? The chances of someone submiting a question with ALL the TRUE facts concerning a relationship is slim to zero. I've read my wifes questions she submits and she makes me out to be a monster! I admit I'm not perfect. None of us are. Your answers are always the same, " Dump him ", " Leave the SOB " etc. I can be a very caring and loving man but not when I am continually belittled and insulted. I come home every night to the same verbal bashing as the night before. I may deserve it once in a while, but no man can withstand a never ending barrage every single night. How does a women expect us to feel any desire for romance or sex after this? Perhaps we should all take a long hard look at our selves in the mirror before we pass judgement on others. Thanks for letting me vent.
3 answers
asked by
kevin k
Family & Relationships
➔ Marriage & Divorce